is a NodeJS script for obtaining a running Chrome browser
instance trace.
This is the same kind of traces you obtain using chrome://tracing).
Fetch the repository, and on its root run:
npm install
It should fetch chrome-remote-interface.
Run chrome with remote debugging port enabled:
google-chrome --remote-debugging-port=9222
Take into account Chrome only allows local access to the debugging port. Set up tunnels if needed if you connect to a remote browser.
Then, again on the root of the trace-chrome folder do:
nodejs bin/trace-chrome.js -H localhost -p 9222 > yourtrace.json
When the tracing session is finished, press ctrl+c, and it will dump the resulting JSON.
Check parameters allowed with
nodejs bin/trace-chrome.js --help
If you want to trace chromium on desktop with this tool, first enable remote debugging port on running it:
path/to/chromium --remote-debugging-port=9222
Then connect to it in the same machine:
nodejs bin/trace-chrome.js -p 9222 > yourtrace.json
On running chromium, enable remote debugging port:
chromium --remote-debugging-port=9876
As Chromium sets as incoming address, remote access to the debugging port is not allowed. So a tunnel is needed to access device port from host machine. SSH can be used for that:
ssh root@DEVICE_IP -L 9876:localhost:9876
This will tunnel 9876 port on device to host 9876 port.
Now tracing tool can be used from host:
nodejs bin/trace-chrome.js -p 9876 > yourtrace.json