Fundamentals is our global WDI prework, focused on programming fundamentals, source control, and command line interaction
The units in Fundamentals focus on:
- Command Line
- Git and Version Control
- Writing Expressions
- Control Flow
- Functions
- Collections
To help us maximize the impact of this experience for students, please:
This is an evolving product and we appreciate any and all feedback on its contents.
Read more about our contribution guidelines.
We track student progress by asking students to:
- complete one quiz at the end of each unit
- submit a link to their project at the end of the final unit
After being sent Fundamentals, a producer will add each student to the GA-Students Slack team. Once students sign up, producers can easily check in with them by sending them a Slack message each of the weeks leading up to the course, and students can ask for help from their fellow classmates.
Producers and instructors can track student progress in this dashboard
All students are required to submit a final cumulative project that is the culmination of each of the unit homework assignments. Their submission contains a RockPaperScissors.js file, with a functioning JavaScript app.
In the tracker above, you can find the submissions from students. The DIRs or Instructional Associates from each cohort should briefly review each of these submissions, leaving a comment.
We try to commit to commenting on each student's pull request with a few sentences, including at least one positive element of feedback and one opportunity for improvement.