This is an EP Booster and OCD v2 in a single 125 enclosure.
You can buy a PCB here. Alternatively this repository contains everything you need to build it on your own.
This pedal fits a LOT of components into a very tight space. It requires some tricky soldering and a bit of planning.
Most notably:
- fitting the top-mounted jacks might require leaving longer legs on some caps to bend them out of the way. And/or cutting unused legs off the jacks.
- soldering the pots requires working in very tight spots. You can make it a bit easier by leaving some capacitors off before adding the pots, but just be sure their holes aren't blocked by the pot.
- Sorry I don't have a detailed assembly guide, and probably won't write one, but email me if you have questions: [email protected]. See the documents in these folders:
- bill-of-materials
- assembly
- schematic
- pcb (if you want to fabricate your own)
- Note: The "lighthouse" LED is totally optional, and you'll probably want to omit it.
- Black PCB: FIXES required: If you fabricate your own PCBs from the gerber files or have purchased a blue PCB they will work without modification. But if you purchased a black PCB from me there are 2 important fixes to make:
- Cut off leg 2 of the boost pot. i.e. don't connect it to the board.
- Solder a jumper from leg 2 to leg 1
Solder a jumper wire from the base of Q2 to middle leg of the SW2 (bright switch).