Uniswap arbitrage problem analysis
MEV bot templates written in Python/Javascript/Rust. All implementing DEX flashloan arbitrage
Open sourced MEV searcher bot bundling ERC-4337 User Operations
A Python library for trading automation on DeFi, data research and integration. Supporting Uniswap, Aave, Chainlink, USDC and other protocols.
Fast Lane, an open-source arbitrage protocol, allows any user to perform arbitrage between Bancor ecosystem protocols and external exchanges and redirect arbitrage profits back to the protocol.
Dreo Smart Device Integration for Home Assistant
A custom component adding KDE Connect support to Home Assistant
AutoGPT is the vision of accessible AI for everyone, to use and to build on. Our mission is to provide the tools, so that you can focus on what matters.
WebRTC/RTSP/RTMP/LL-HLS bridge for Wyze cams in a docker container
An electron wrapped Office 365 application integrated into your file manager as if it was a native application.
Professional Java Developer Career Starter: Java Foundations Course Exercise Solutions
Android BLE + MVVM + Service
Plugin for Tasker that allows the user to write arbitrary binary arrays to Bluetooth Low Energy Devices
Bluetooth GATT service and characteristic parser
Android Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) communication between server/peripheral to client/central sample
BLE Framework. Based on Bluetooth 4.0. Based on callback. Extremely simple! Communication with BluetoothLE(BLE) device as easy as HTTP communication. Android低功耗蓝牙便捷操作框架,基于回调,完成蓝牙设备交互就像发送网络请求一样简单。
Simple example application that allows you to scan, and connect to a ble device on Android (M) API 23
Android Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Fast Development Framework. It uses simple ways to filter, scan, connect, read ,write, notify, readRssi, setMTU, and multiConnection.