This project based on Hackathon Starter
Project starter for Node.js web applications.
- .env environment variables
- Local Authentication using Email and Password
- Authentication via Twitter, Facebook, Google, Github, instagram
- Flash Notifications like success, error and info
- MVC project structure
- Ready, Account Management
- Gravatar
- Profile Details
- Change Password
- Forgot Password (Reset)
- Linking multiple social accounts to one account
- Delete Account
- CSRF Protection
- Yeoman Generator
- MongoDB
- NodeJS
Name | Description |
config/passport.js | Passport Strategies and Serialize/Deserialize User |
controllers/home.js | Controller for home page |
controllers/user.js | Controller for user account management |
models/User.js | User model |
middlewares/ | Middlewares folder |
strategies/ | Passport's Strategies Folder |
strategies/local.js | Passport's Local Strategy |
public/ | Static files (fonts, css, js, images) |
views/ | Template files |
views/layout.jade | Main layout template |
views/partials/flash.jade | Flash notifications success info error |
test/app.js | Application test cases |
test/models.js | Model test cases |
.travis.yml | Travis CI integration |
.env.example | Example file for API keys, tokens, passwords and database info |
.env | Must be created manually from example |
app.js | The main application file |
package.json | NPM dependencies and project info |
Package | Description |
async | Library for asynchronous control flow. |
bcrypt-nodejs | Hashing and salting passwords. |
connect-mongo | MongoDB session store for Express. |
dotenv | .env file environment variables. |
express | Node.js Web Framework. |
body-parser | Express 4 middleware for parse request bodies. |
express-session | Express 4 middleware for session store. |
morgan | HTTP request logger. |
compression | deflate and gzip compressions. |
errorhandler | Express 4 middleware for error handling. |
serve-favicon | Express 4 middleware for serving favicon. (also caching) |
express-flash | Express 4 flash messages. |
express-validator | Express 4 middleware for string validation and sanitization. |
jade | Template engine. |
lusca | CSRF middleware. |
mongoose | MongoDB ORM. |
nodemailer | Node.js library for sending emails. |
passport | Authentication library. |
passport-facebook | Sign-in with Facebook. |
passport-github | Sign-in with GitHub. |
passport-google-oauth | Sign-in with Google. |
passport-twitter | Sign-in with Twitter. |
passport-instagram | Sign-in with Instagram. |
passport-local | Sign-in with username and password. |
passport-oauth | OAuth 1.0a and OAuth 2.0 strategies. |
request | HTTP request library. |
lodash | Javascript utilities library. | | Real-Time Communication Engine. |
Package | Description |
mocha | Test framework. |
supertest | HTTP assertion library. |
chai | BDD/TDD assertion library. |
First install yeoman
and generator-holyjs
npm install -g yo
npm install -g generator-holyjs
Then generate your new project:
yo holyjs
- Adding
- Custom middleware support with middlewares/ folder.
- Adding test scripts for user login and register.
- Add
support - Add sass and public js assets support with minify.
Environment dotenv config files. (.env.production
) - An example crud routes and controller.
- Separated passport strategies with strategies/ folder.
- CLI helper for secret key generate, listing routes, listing controllers etc.
- Yeoman generator for HolyJS project
- Eslint for tests
- Reformat code as standart of ES (for Eslint errors, such as