fsociety Hacking Tools Pack – A Penetration Testing Framework
Scripting To Root, Downgrade, De-Bloat, Load Apps and Settings Onto Amazon Firestick and Other Android Devices
Creates up to a thousand WiFi access points with custom SSIDs.
muddimedia / ESP8266-LUA
Forked from ok1cdj/ESP8266-LUALUA scripts for ESP8266 with NodeMCU firmware
An example project to demonstrate packet injection / sniffer capabilities of ESP8266 IC.
muddimedia / bootra1n
Forked from foxlet/bootra1nJust enough Linux for checkra1n.
Updated Apr 8, 2020
muddimedia / ArduinoPcap
Forked from spacehuhn/ArduinoPcapA library for creating and sending .pcap files for Wireshark and other programms.
pre compiled image for the Arduino Yun
Updated May 26, 2016
muddimedia / arduino-esp32
Forked from espressif/arduino-esp32Arduino core for the ESP32