redis Public
Forked from redis/go-redisRedis client for Golang.
Go BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedFeb 2, 2013 -
helper-commit Public
A little helper to make simple commits to github and cpan in one command.
unicorn.lua Public
Reimplementing my Perl Unicorn with lua for fun and learning purpose.
p5-Net-OpenVPN-TrayIcon Public
A simple GTK2 tray icon to start and stop OpenVPN.
p5-Plesk-Email-Manager Public
Some code to handle multiple plesk servers with a single mail gateway.
p5-File-Download Public
Port the CPAN module to use Moo instead of Class::Accessor.
road-to-logic Public
Walkthrough of "The Haskell Road To Logic, Maths and Programming"
xmonad-config Public
Forked from vicfryzel/xmonad-configMy xmonad and xmobar configuration, plus necessary scripts to make things more usable.
App-CatBlog Public
One more Blog Application. Who would have guessed that?
p5-Net-LastFM Public
Fork of the CPAN Net::LastFM. Simple Perl interface to the Last.fm API.
CiderWebmail Public
Forked from CiderWebmail/CiderWebmailPerl/Catalyst/AJAX based Webmail
Generate a Psuedo-RESTful Mojolicious/DBIx::Class Application
catable Public
Forked from shlomif/catableCATAlyst BLog Engine - written by perl cats