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Nextflow processing

This repository contains the nextflow pipeline and accessory scripts for processing samples from standard cellranger-arc output through final analysis for the breast cancer multiome CEDAR project.

The file /nextflow_version/ contains the nextflow pipeline and calls R and bash scripts from src/

The code in details the full processing steps for bcl files to cellranger-arc output. Which is subsequently used for nextflow input.

Processing of public data, used in cell label transfer, if contained in the

The file details the creation of a Singularity container using AWS (for sudo privledges) and transferring it to the appropriate location for the script to run. All nextflow processes are run within this single container.

Example run of nextflow:

cd /home/groups/CEDAR/mulqueen/bc_multiome #move to project directory
git clone #pull github repo
module load singularity #load singularity on exacloud
module load nextflow #load nextflow on exacloud

#run nextflow with defaults
nextflow bc_multiome/ \
-with-dag bc_multiome.flowchart.png \

Repository folders:

* /nextflow_version contains groovy file for nextflow pipeline calling, the nextflow.config file for using the singularity container, and details about the creation of the container.
* /deprocated_src is a copy of the markdown files hosted on my github webpage for reference, these should be considered deprocated but they also contain archival comments and thoughts that might be helpful.
* /src contains python, bash and R scripts called by the groovy file. These are copied to /home/groups/CEDAR/mulqueen/bc_multiome/bc_multiome_nf_analysis/src for running on exacloud via the git clone command above.
* /wip_src scripts that are currently being worked on to be added to the pipeline.


Breast Cancer Multiome Processing






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