This package takes in a tab-separated file (tsv) with the following format, and automatically generates a 3D render and blender file.
TSV files should be header-less, and tab-separated with the following layout.
Cluster | cellID | X | Y | Z | cluster_color_hexvalue |
String, of cluster grouping | String, unique cell identifier | float of x coordinate | float of y coordinate | float of z coordinate | Hex value of fill color |
Here's an example lines used for the render at the top of the page.
Astrocytes TAGGTCCGACGTACTAGGGCCTCGGTCTATGGCCTA 4.24424248742567 -1.74691044949975 -6.48374510684418 #1C7D54
Astrocytes ATTCAGAAGCATCGCGCAGCCAGACTCTATGGCCTA 3.60301401455387 -1.96493138894082 -6.47136162049336 #1C7D54
Astrocytes TCAACGAGTTCGCGATGGTCAGAGCCCGCCGATATC 5.51775913941571 -1.87741656898663 -6.76243310557264 #1C7D54
To install perform the following steps.
- Download and install the latest blender release here.
- Download this repository as a zip file.
- Open blender. On the top left go to Edit > Preferences > Add-ons > Install.. and select the zip file. Then click the checkbox to activate the module.
- To access the 3D Scatterplot menu, in the 3D viewport open the panel.
- Use the file path navigator for the input file to select your TSV, or leave the field unaltered to try the test data set.
- Set up the output directory and prefix name using the filepath selector and the text box.
- Press the button "Generate 3D Plot" on the panel to run and wait for the data to be loaded in.
- The file will automatically save as a .blend file in your [output_dir]/[prefix_name].blend. To render just press F12, make sure you save the image once rendering is complete.