Data - Top Movies DataSet from with over 1100 rows from the year 1902 to 2023.
Data Cleaning & Analysis - MySQL Workbench
Data Visualization - PowerBI
1 Find the total number of movies in this data set
2 Find the total number of movies released in each year
3 find the total number of movies with names starting with 'The'
4 Find the top 5 movies in terms of popularity in 2019
5 separate genre ids into 4 different columns
6 find the top rated movie in each year
7 find the total votes made in each year
8 find the number of movies released in each month of 2015
9 find the average yearly turn over of votes in each year
10 generate just one column that consists of all unique genre ids
11 find the total number of movies belonging to each genre
12 rank movies in descending order of vote count for each year