This is Android application provides books of all streams uses material design and volley library.
App views Movies using Library Glide, Volley, GSON, Retrofit and JSON for Data
A movie directory app based on JSON data retrieved from an API using Google's Volley Library, using Picasso Library to create images from URL and using Shared Preferences to save data locally
Here I am using the Volley library to parse some json to get data and display them in a listview and imageview separated by a bottom navigation menu.
This app shows how RecyclerView is implemented and this app uses volley networking library and gson library to fetch and parse json data respectively.
School listing app from scratch in which I have used material design and volley library and done JSON parsing with Restful API which was developed by backend developer
Android app that shows a list of the top rated and most popular movies by using JSON API. Implements libraries as Picasso for image downloads and caching, Volley for HTTP request.
An app to explore and share meme with friends. An open source Reddit Api is used to fetch the Meme and Volley Library is used to handle JSON response.
This is an Android app that display car images from's API. This app was used to implement skills learned in JSON parsing with Volley, implementing RecyclerView and display the different…
- I developed this app with java and eclipse with ADT plugin. - This app provides the upcoming movies with image slider. - I used a movie database API ( to get the upcoming movies wi…
An online android application which helps user to find the books they are looking for in a smooth way. This application is only developed for education and learning purposes and not for commercial …
An Android library for sending fast and clean json request, using volley
create a RecyclerView and get data from online API JSON using VOLLEY
This app is for those who like movies and their reviews, as it gets most popular or the newest movies for you, and it lets you see some reviews for them and watch their youtube trailers
This app is for those who like movies and their reviews, as it gets most popular or the newest movies for you, and it lets you see some reviews for them and watch their youtube trailers
Volley Progressing & ExternalChecking Finishing For InitView() e.g. reyclerVew(cardView(ImageView))
--Main APK .Download .It simply goes through the basic concepts such as Recyclier view(with Card view),Firebase operation ,JSON & Volley, SQLite, Page Adapter, Notification and e…
CRUD operations on MySQL database from Android app using RESTful api.
This is a grocery App in which a list of all the agricultural commodities in the market, their place, and the latest price is shown. The live data is fetched through API provided by Th…
It is a bilingual news application with the ability to search and filter history and categories using the volley library (to get news and details as json from the server side) (with server side code)
A simple app where you can search for movies by hitting the movie database API. The user may save some movies as his favorite and can access them in a different view. Functionality of adding as wel…
With Food Recipe App you can search any dish with type and ingredients.
Tried hands on JSON Parsing through Volley
A simple project demonstating the use of libraries like Firebase Authentication (Google SignIn), Realtime Database and Firebase Recycler Adapter.