Congratulations! You have completed the most intensive three months of program. It is time to begin mapping the next phase of your journey. Depends on the technical skills, experiences and maybe with some luck everyone finds a job in different amount of time. So do not compare yourself with others. Try to focus on your strength, improve your weakest area and find what makes you different from other candidates. Fortunately, this open-source project with the support of our community intent to help you to overcome your struggles and make you the strongest candidate for the potential employers.
Unlike you were in the bootcamp, you are on your own at this stage. Plus, many students get discouraged by the rejection emails after submitting their resume countless times. This guidance is an effective way to help you navigate through your job hunting in an organized way and brings the best resources on the table. Every job seekers will spend different amount of time on it. There is no correct plan for everyone. Before you create your personalized prep plan, you need to do some self-evaluation of your current schedule and skill set. You will have to identify your learning goals for in each session in order to maximize your productivity.
According to 2018 Coding Bootcamp Industry and Outcomes Report, the average job search length is 8 week of finishing a bootcamp.
- Start your side project
- Polish your materials (resume, portfolio and linkedin profile)
- Apply for jobs
- Understand the JavaScript in depth
- Study Algorithms and Data Structures
- Selfcare
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