A crappy and unmaintained implementation of a Web Socket Server in Java.
Yout need a custom ConnectionHandler that implements WebSocketConnectionHandler
public class EchoConnectionHandler implements WebSocketCOnnectionHandler {
private Vector<WebSocketConnection> connections = new Vector<WebSocketConnection>();
public void addConnection(WebSocketConnection connection) {
public void processMessage(WebSocketConnection connection, String message) {
connection.send(message); // echo the incoming message
public void processClose(WebSocketConnection connection) {
Then you need to instantiate a WebSocketServer
with the handler from above. The constructor automatically starts a background thread (which is probably bad design) which listens to incoming connections. It creates WebSocketConnections
for each new connections and hands them over to the handler.
This thing basically does not care how the initial handshake from the client looks, as long as it starts with GET
, ends with \r\n\r\n
and contains the Sec-WebSocket-Key
header. It also does not support custom protocols and Secure Web Socket (wss://).