Software Developer in Istanbul
Working for Trendyol
const makcakaya = {
pronouns: "he" | "him",
code: [Golang, Javascript, HTML, CSS, C#, .Net &| Core, T-SQL, Java],
tools: [Goland, Postman, Swagger, Azure Devops, Trello, Git, RDBMS, VisualStudio &| Code, Eclipse],
architecture: ["monolith", "microservices", "test-driven"],
awardsCertificates: {
specialist: "Microsoft Co.",
trainer1: "Kodluyoruz .Net Core MVC",
trainer2: "BilgeAdam Academy .Net Apps and Web"
joinedTop3Events : {
participant1 : "Serverless Data with AWS's Senior Nader Dabit",
participant2 : "Microservices with docker & k8 with Microsoft's MVP",
participant3 : "Istanbul Information Community - 1. Information Summit"
training: [VueJS, .Net Core, .Net Core MVC, Golang],
readings: [Clean Code - Robert C. Martin, Refactoring - Martin Fowler],
nextStacks: [Docker, Kubernetes]