A native JavaScript implementation of ScummVM.
Currently I focus on running Monkey Island 1 (CDROM version, Scumm 5.x engine). Support for other games may be added at a later time.
Copy the Monkey Island game files (monkey1.000 and monkey1.001) to games/monkey1 and open index.html in Safari or Chrome.
Most of the code is directly ported from ScummVM's C++ code base, see the ScummVM README for full credits.
stream.js is based on the stream implementation of gordon by Tobias Schneider.
LucasArts, Monkey Island, Maniac Mansion, Full Throttle, The Dig, LOOM, and probably lots of other things are registered trademarks of LucasArts, Inc.. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are owned by their respective companies. ScummVM or JS ScummVM are not affiliated in any way with LucasArts, Inc.