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Tags: mvput/Finbuckle.MultiTenant



Toggle v9.0.0's commit message
chore: 9.0.0 [skip ci]

# [9.0.0](Finbuckle/Finbuckle.MultiTenant@v8.0.0...v9.0.0) (2024-11-13)

* multitenant db factory ([Finbuckle#894](Finbuckle#894)) ([ea216ff](Finbuckle@ea216ff))

### Bug Fixes

* remove deprecated dotnet ([Finbuckle#891](Finbuckle#891)) ([1429cbf](Finbuckle@1429cbf))

### Features

* add multitenant db factory method ([Finbuckle#896](Finbuckle#896)) ([8728447](Finbuckle@8728447))
* better tenant resolution events ([Finbuckle#897](Finbuckle#897)) ([956ca36](Finbuckle@956ca36))
* dotnet 9 support ([Finbuckle#893](Finbuckle#893)) ([4be1b88](Finbuckle@4be1b88))
* Make builds deterministic and set latest GH actions ([Finbuckle#889](Finbuckle#889)) ([d82f89d](Finbuckle@d82f89d))

### Reverts

* Revert "multitenant db factory ([Finbuckle#894](Finbuckle#894))" ([Finbuckle#895](Finbuckle#895)) ([0e164a8](Finbuckle@0e164a8))


* `OnTenantResolved` and `OnTenantNotResolved` are no longer used. Use the `OnStrategyResolveCompleted`, `OnStoreResolveCompleted`, and `OnTenantResolveCompleted` events instead.
* `MultiTenantDbContext` constructors accepting ITenantInfo removed, use `MultiTenantDbContext.Create` factory method
* `MultiTenantDbContext` constructors accepting ITenantInfo removed, use `MultiTenantDbContext .Create` factory method instead
* net6.0 and net7.0 are no longer supported targets.
* Dotnet runtime specific dependencies now float to the latest patch version and are locked at release time with a NuGet lock file. This is a security mitigation and may break some builds not on the latest SDKs.


Toggle v8.0.0's commit message
chore: 8.0.0 [skip ci]

# [8.0.0](Finbuckle/Finbuckle.MultiTenant@v7.0.2...v8.0.0) (2024-10-12)

* feat!: version policy update ([Finbuckle#888](Finbuckle#888)) ([487a3a6](Finbuckle@487a3a6))

### Bug Fixes

* BasePathStrategy no longer breaks the strategy chain ([Finbuckle#884](Finbuckle#884)) ([3263eff](Finbuckle@3263eff))
* prevent duplicate key annotation in AdjustKey() ([Finbuckle#883](Finbuckle#883)) ([f75ba2c](Finbuckle@f75ba2c))
* removed unused parameter from WithPerTenantRemoteAuthenticationConvention ([Finbuckle#886](Finbuckle#886)) ([dd17ab5](Finbuckle@dd17ab5))

### Features

* add GetAllAsync() support for HttpRemoteStore ([Finbuckle#848](Finbuckle#848)) ([4208149](Finbuckle@4208149))
* added the Echo Store. ([Finbuckle#807](Finbuckle#807)) ([a3e5eee](Finbuckle@a3e5eee))
* strategies return null on invalid context type ([Finbuckle#885](Finbuckle#885)) ([9834575](Finbuckle@9834575))


* This commit brings the release into alignment with the new version policy. See Finbuckle#887 for details.
* Included strategies for ASP.NET Core would throw an exception if the passed context was not an `HttpContext` type. Now they will return null indicating no identifier was found.


Toggle v7.0.2's commit message
chore: 7.0.2 [skip ci]

## [7.0.2](Finbuckle/Finbuckle.MultiTenant@v7.0.1...v7.0.2) (2024-08-03)

### Bug Fixes

* Preserve annotations when adjusting index ([Finbuckle#832](Finbuckle#832)) ([e765340](Finbuckle@e765340))
* strategy wrapper no longer throws on a null context, instead passing it to the actual strategy ([Finbuckle#863](Finbuckle#863)) ([2b165c7](Finbuckle@2b165c7))


Toggle v7.0.1's commit message
chore: 7.0.1 [skip ci]

## [7.0.1](Finbuckle/Finbuckle.MultiTenant@v7.0.0...v7.0.1) (2024-04-28)

### Bug Fixes

* only throw exception in EnforceMultiTenant for null tenant if there are entity changes. ([Finbuckle#819](Finbuckle#819)) ([ca9e9fd](Finbuckle@ca9e9fd))


Toggle v7.0.0's commit message
chore: 7.0.0 [skip ci]

## [7.0.0](Finbuckle/Finbuckle.MultiTenant@v6.13.1...v7.0.0) (2024-04-21)


* Many namespaces have been updated for consistency. Most code will only need to reference the `Finbuckle.MultiTenant` namespace.
* Connection string is removed because in many cases it is not needed. Closes Finbuckle#624
* all unique indexes and the UserLogin primary key in the standard Identity models are adjusted to include the tenant id
* (I)MultiTenantContext and (I)TenantInfo are no longer available via DI. Use IMultiTenantContextAccessor instead. Also IMultiTenantContext nullability reworked and should never be null.
* WithPerTenantOptions replaced by ConfigurePerTenant service collection extensions methods.

Added support for `OptionsBuilder` API and more efficient per-tenant options overall.

### Features

* better options support ([Finbuckle#681](Finbuckle#681)) ([1859017](Finbuckle@1859017))
* change default MultiTenantIdentityDbContext default index and key behavior ([81f5612](Finbuckle@81f5612))
* MultiTenantDbContext and MultiTenantIdentityDbContext support for IMultiTenantContextAccessor DI ([9015085](Finbuckle@9015085))
* namespace cleaned up ([b354838](Finbuckle@b354838))
* refactor DI and improve nullability ([eca24bf](Finbuckle@eca24bf))
* remove ConnectionString from ITenantInfo and TenantInfo ([f4e20db](Finbuckle@f4e20db))

### Bug Fixes

* AdjustKey correctly adding TenantId to primary and foreign keys ([613b4a8](Finbuckle@613b4a8))


Toggle v6.13.1's commit message
chore: 6.13.1 [skip ci]

## [6.13.1](Finbuckle/Finbuckle.MultiTenant@v6.13.0...v6.13.1) (2024-01-24)

### Bug Fixes

* update dependency to protect against CVE-2024-21319 ([Finbuckle#781](Finbuckle#781)) ([c5e0c8a](Finbuckle@c5e0c8a))


Toggle v6.13.0's commit message
chore: 6.13.0 [skip ci]

## [6.13.0](Finbuckle/Finbuckle.MultiTenant@v6.12.0...v6.13.0) (2023-12-21)

### Features

* .net8.0 LTS release support ([Finbuckle#770](Finbuckle#770)) ([d7f08f9](Finbuckle@d7f08f9))

### Bug Fixes

* OnTenantNotResolved not called correctly ([Finbuckle#729](Finbuckle#729)) ([a26081c](Finbuckle@a26081c)), closes [Finbuckle#628](Finbuckle#628)


Toggle v6.12.0's commit message
chore: 6.12.0 [skip ci]

## [6.12.0](Finbuckle/Finbuckle.MultiTenant@v6.11.1...v6.12.0) (2023-08-25)

### Features

* AdjustIndex preserves existing filter ([Finbuckle#711](Finbuckle#711)) ([affb66f](Finbuckle@affb66f))
* net8.0 ([Finbuckle#712](Finbuckle#712)) ([a137dae](Finbuckle@a137dae))


Toggle v6.11.1's commit message
chore: 6.11.1 [skip ci]

## [6.11.1](Finbuckle/Finbuckle.MultiTenant@v6.11.0...v6.11.1) (2023-07-06)

### Bug Fixes

* make DecorateService public ([Finbuckle#671](Finbuckle#671)) ([c9746d6](Finbuckle@c9746d6)), closes [Finbuckle#668](Finbuckle#668)


Toggle v6.11.0's commit message
chore: 6.11.0 [skip ci]

## [6.11.0](Finbuckle/Finbuckle.MultiTenant@v6.10.0...v6.11.0) (2023-07-01)

### Features

* add HasResolvedTenant to IMultiTenantContext ([Finbuckle#650](Finbuckle#650)) ([375add5](Finbuckle@375add5))
* perf improvements in BasePathStrategy and  RemoteAuthenticationCallbackStrategy ([Finbuckle#654](Finbuckle#654)) ([ac1c58a](Finbuckle@ac1c58a))

### Bug Fixes

* internal refactoring and improved XML comments for intellisense ([c42c53d](Finbuckle@c42c53d))
* xml docs corrections ([Finbuckle#639](Finbuckle#639)) ([265d26d](Finbuckle@265d26d))