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mwatkins1970 authored Jul 7, 2023
1 parent b67b0d3 commit 84b7b88
Showing 1 changed file with 117 additions and 0 deletions.
117 changes: 117 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
# This randomly selects GPT tokens from the subset of tokens which consists solely of upper and lower case roman alphabetic characters and possibly a leading space
# It iteratively runs a one-shot prompt to produce a S-P-E-L-L-I-N-G style spelling, then assesses its accuracy.
# The engine is set by default to davinci-instruct-beta, the number of runs is set by default at 100 (line 20)

import openai
import random
import re
from transformers import GPT2Tokenizer, GPT2LMHeadModel, utils, AutoTokenizer, GPTJForCausalLM


engine = "davinci-instruct-beta"

tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("EleutherAI/gpt-j-6B")
token_strings = [tokenizer.decode([i]) for i in range(50257)]

runs = 100 # Number of spellings per batch
correct = 0
tot_tok = 0
wrong_list = []

def is_latin_alpha(s):
return bool(re.match('^[a-zA-Z]*$', s))

for i in range(runs):

alphabetic = False

while alphabetic == False:
r = random.randint(0, 50256)
targ_strg = token_strings[r].lstrip().upper() # target string is strg with any leading space removed and converted to upper case
if is_latin_alpha(targ_strg) == True:
alphabetic = True

strg = token_strings[r]
print(f"\n\nSTEP {i+1}")
print(f'\nTOKEN no. {r}: "{strg}"')
print('TARGET STRING: "' + targ_strg + '"')

prompt = '''If spelling the string " table" in all capital letters separated by hyphens gives\nT-A-B-L-E\nthen spelling the string "''' + strg + '''" in all capital letters, separated by hyphens, gives\n'''
print("PROMPT: " + prompt + '\n\n')

sofarsogood = True # spelling-is-correct-thus-far Boolean
pos = 0 # relevant position in the target string
comp_list = [] # this should be a list of tokens that the model attempted to spell the string with

# tokens to ignore when assessing correct spelling
fillers = [' ', '\n', '~', '-', '--', '---', '----', '-----', '------', '-------', '--------', '---------', '----------', '-----------', '-----------', '------------', '-------------', '--------------', '---------------' '–', '—']

EOT = False # "end-of-text has been reached" Boolean variable

while pos < len(targ_strg) and EOT == False: # work our way through the target string one character at a time
target = targ_strg[pos] # this is the character in the target string we're checking for
comp = ' ' # arbitarily chosen filler string so that the next 'while' holds true

while comp in fillers: # keep going if you have hyphen-type characters, blank spaces or line breaks
comp_len = 0 # first, produce ever longer completions until you get one that's not all line breaks (this had been a problem)
nonbreak = False # not-a-linebreak Boolean

# This is a bit messy, but stops long strings of line breaks clogging things up
while comp_len < 50 and nonbreak == False: # keep going until we have a non-linebreak token (or 50 tokens)
comp_len += 1
response = openai.Completion.create(engine=engine, temperature = 0, prompt = prompt, max_tokens = comp_len)
comp = response["choices"][0]["text"]
tot_tok += response['usage']['total_tokens']

comp = comp.replace('\n','')
if comp != '':
nonbreak = True #If the completion comp was all linebreaks, it's now == '', so comp != '' means it wasn't all linebreaks
if comp == '<|endoftext|>':
EOT = True
# What happens if you get > 50 linebreaks? The comp comes back as ''. I don't recall seeing that except at the end of a spelling.
# Note how on each iteration, the prompt allow more and more tokens in the completion. So it keeps extending the lenght of the rollout
# until there's a non-linebreak character or 50 linebreaks. There's probably a better way to do this!

prompt += comp # append completion to prompt to send back through


comp_list.append(comp) # add completion to list (should be a token, and a single upper case letter in most cases)

if comp.upper().replace('-','').replace('–','').replace('—','') != target and sofarsogood == True:
sofarsogood = False
spelling_score = pos/len(targ_strg)
pos += 1

if sofarsogood == True:
spelling_score = 1

if spelling_score == 1:
correct += 1

# spelling_score should be between 0 and 1, 0.75 if ' will' gets sequentially completed as 'W', '-', 'I', '-', 'L', '-', 'K', for examples
# This isn't a particularly good measure for 'headless tokens' like 'ureau' which spells as 'B', '-', 'U', '-', 'R', '-', 'E', '-', 'A', '-', 'U'

print(f"\n\nTARGET STRING: {targ_strg}")
print(f"SPELLING-OUT LIST: {comp_list}" )
print(f"SPELLING SCORE: {spelling_score:.3f}")
print(f"CURRENT SUCCESS RATE: {correct}/{i+1} = {correct/(i+1):.3f}")
print(f"TOTAL TOKENS USED: {tot_tok}\n\n")

print(f"\n\nTOTAL TOKENS USED: {tot_tok}")
print(f"FINAL SUCCESS RATE: {correct}/{runs} = {correct/runs:.3f}")
for (strg, comp_list) in wrong_list:
print(f"{strg}: {comp_list}")

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