This plug-in is heavily inspired by vim-dirvish.
firvish.nvim is a buffer centric job control plug-in. It provides mappings for handling buffer list, history, NeoVim and external commands. All the output of these commands are streamed to a dedicated buffer.
The main goal of firvish.nvim is to provide a single way of interacting with external commands, and internal commands of NeoVim through the use of buffers. They are used to interact with the output of commands, and the input is sent to external commands to interactively communicate with them.
See the documentation for more details.
Install using your favorite plugin manager. There's no required dependencies. Optionally, you can install option.nvim for customization. If it's not installed, you'll see a warning but you can ignore it.
lua << EOF
function _G.run_git(args, is_background_job)
local cmd = fn.split(args, " ");
table.insert(cmd, 1, "git")
require "firvish.job_control".start_job({
cmd = cmd,
filetype = "job-output",
title = "Git",
is_background_job = is_background_job,
cwd = vim.fn.FugitiveGitDir(),
listed = true
command! -bang -complete=customlist,fugitive#Complete -nargs=* -range FGit :lua _G.run_git(<q-args>, <q-bang> ~= '!')
function G.setup_cmake(opts)
if vim.o.loadplugins == false then return end
opts.env = opts.env or {}
assert(opts.env, "env is required.")
assert(, "name is required.")
assert(opts.program, "program is required.")
assert(opts.cwd, "cwd is required.")
assert(opts.project_path, "project_path is required.")
assert(opts.build_dir, "build_dir is required.")
opts.test_cwd = opts.test_cwd or ""
require"dap".configurations.cpp = {
type = "cpp",
request = "launch",
name =,
program = opts.program,
symbolSearchPath = opts.cwd,
cwd = opts.cwd,
debuggerRoot = opts.cwd,
env = opts.env
local functions = {}
functions.build_project = function(output_qf)
cmd = {"cmake", "--build", opts.build_dir, "--parallel"},
filetype = "log",
title = "Build",
listed = true,
output_qf = output_qf,
is_background_job = true,
cwd = opts.project_path
functions.run_tests = function(output_qf)
cmd = {"ctest", "--output-on-failure"},
filetype = "log",
title = "Tests",
listed = true,
output_qf = output_qf,
is_background_job = true,
cwd = opts.test_cwd
local configure_opts = {"cmake", "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug", opts.project_path}
if opts.generator ~= nil then
table.insert(configure_opts, "-G")
table.insert(configure_opts, opts.generator)
functions.run_cmake = function(output_qf, cmake_options)
local cmd = configure_opts
if cmake_options ~= nil then table.extend(cmd, cmake_options) end
cmd = cmd,
filetype = "log",
title = "CMake",
listed = true,
output_qf = output_qf,
is_background_job = true,
cwd = opts.build_dir
functions.run_project = function(output_qf, args)
local cmd = {opts.program}
if args ~= nil then table.extend(cmd, args) end
cmd = cmd,
filetype = "log",
title = "Run",
listed = true,
output_qf = output_qf,
is_background_job = true,
cwd = opts.cwd
_G.cmake_functions = functions
cmd [[command! -bang CMake :lua _G.cmake_functions.run_cmake("<bang>" ~= "!")]]
cmd [[command! -bang Run :lua _G.cmake_functions.run_project("<bang>" ~= "!")]]
cmd [[command! -bang Build :lua _G.cmake_functions.build_project("<bang>" ~= "!")]]
cmd [[command! -bang RunTests :lua _G.cmake_functions.run_tests("<bang>" ~= "!")]]
-- In .nvimrc file
env = {},
name = "CMake Project",
program = vim.fn.expand("$PROJECT_BUILD_DIR"),
cwd = vim.fn.expand("$PROJECT_BUILD_DIR"),
project_path = vim.fn.expand("%:p:h"),
build_dir = vim.fn.expand("$PROJECT_BUILD_DIR"),
test_cwd = vim.fn.expand("$PROJECT_BUILD_DIR") .. "/test/",
generator = "Ninja"
Now you can run any of the following commands:
The output of each command will be redirected to the quickfix list.
command! RunServer :lua require"firvish.job_control".start_job({
\ cmd={"python", "", "runserver"},
\ filetype="firvish-job",
\ is_background_job=true, " So that we only see the job out put in :FirvishJobs window.
\ listed=false,
\ cwd="/path/to/project",
\ title="Server"})