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mitiguy authored May 22, 2018
1 parent b2fb0ea commit 98a47df
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Showing 12 changed files with 306 additions and 183 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion automotive/agent_trajectory.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ class PoseVelocity final {
/// translation and the z-component of rotation.
Eigen::Vector3d pose3() const {
const math::RollPitchYaw<double> rpy(rotation_);
const double w_z = rpy.get_yaw_angle();
const double w_z = rpy.yaw_angle();
return Eigen::Vector3d{translation_.x(), translation_.y(), w_z};

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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions automotive/maliput/api/lane_data.h
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Expand Up @@ -102,13 +102,13 @@ class Rotation {
// most call-sites should probably be using something
// else (e.g., quaternion) anyway.
/// Returns the roll component of the Rotation (in radians).
double roll() const { return rpy().get_roll_angle(); }
double roll() const { return rpy().roll_angle(); }

/// Returns the pitch component of the Rotation (in radians).
double pitch() const { return rpy().get_pitch_angle(); }
double pitch() const { return rpy().pitch_angle(); }

/// Returns the yaw component of the Rotation (in radians).
double yaw() const { return rpy().get_yaw_angle(); }
double yaw() const { return rpy().yaw_angle(); }

explicit Rotation(const Quaternion<double>& quat) : quaternion_(quat) {}
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion automotive/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ T PurePursuit<T>::Evaluate(const PurePursuitParams<T>& pp_params,

const T x = pose.get_translation().translation().x();
const T y = pose.get_translation().translation().y();
const T heading = math::RollPitchYaw<T>(pose.get_rotation()).get_yaw_angle();
const T heading = math::RollPitchYaw<T>(pose.get_rotation()).yaw_angle();

const T delta_r = -(goal_position.x() - x) * sin(heading) +
(goal_position.y() - y) * cos(heading);
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion automotive/test/
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Expand Up @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ GTEST_TEST(PoseVelocityTest, Accessors) {
EXPECT_TRUE(CompareMatrices(actual.velocity().rotational(), w));
EXPECT_TRUE(CompareMatrices(actual.velocity().translational(), v));
const Vector3d expected_pose3{translation.x(), translation.y(),
EXPECT_TRUE(CompareMatrices(actual.pose3(), expected_pose3));
EXPECT_EQ(actual.speed(), sqrt(pow(v(0), 2) + pow(v(1), 2) + pow(v(2), 2)));
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions bindings/pydrake/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -60,9 +60,9 @@ PYBIND11_MODULE(math, m) {
py::arg("roll"), py::arg("pitch"), py::arg("yaw"))
.def(py::init<const RotationMatrix<T>&>(), py::arg("R"))
.def("vector", &RollPitchYaw<T>::vector)
.def("get_roll_angle", &RollPitchYaw<T>::get_roll_angle)
.def("get_pitch_angle", &RollPitchYaw<T>::get_pitch_angle)
.def("get_yaw_angle", &RollPitchYaw<T>::get_yaw_angle)
.def("roll_angle", &RollPitchYaw<T>::roll_angle)
.def("pitch_angle", &RollPitchYaw<T>::pitch_angle)
.def("yaw_angle", &RollPitchYaw<T>::yaw_angle)
.def("ToQuaternion", &RollPitchYaw<T>::ToQuaternion);

py::class_<RotationMatrix<T>>(m, "RotationMatrix")
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion bindings/pydrake/test/
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Expand Up @@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ def test_roll_pitch_yaw(self):
self.assertTrue(np.allclose(rpy.vector(), [0, 0, 0]))
rpy = mut.RollPitchYaw(roll=0, pitch=0, yaw=0)
(rpy.get_roll_angle(), rpy.get_pitch_angle(), rpy.get_yaw_angle()),
(rpy.roll_angle(), rpy.pitch_angle(), rpy.yaw_angle()),
(0, 0, 0))
q_I = Quaternion()
self.assertTrue(np.allclose(rpy.ToQuaternion().wxyz(), q_I.wxyz()))
43 changes: 14 additions & 29 deletions examples/quadrotor/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -86,13 +86,13 @@ void QuadrotorPlant<T>::DoCalcTimeDerivatives(
// For rotors 1 and 3, get the -Bz measure of its aerodynamic torque on B.
// Sum the net Bz measure of the aerodynamic torque on B.
// Note: Rotors 0 and 2 rotate one way and rotors 1 and 3 rotate the other.
const Vector4<T> uM_Bz = kM_ * u;
const T Mz = uM_Bz(0) - uM_Bz(1) + uM_Bz(2) - uM_Bz(3);
const Vector4<T> uTau_Bz = kM_ * u;
const T Mz = uTau_Bz(0) - uTau_Bz(1) + uTau_Bz(2) - uTau_Bz(3);

// Form the net moment on B about Bcm, expressed in B. The net moment accounts
// for all contact and distance forces (aerodynamic and gravity forces) on B.
// Note: Since the net moment on B is about Bcm, gravity does not contribute.
const Vector3<T> M(Mx, My, Mz);
const Vector3<T> Tau_B(Mx, My, Mz);

// Calculate local celestial body's (Earth's) gravity force on B, expressed in
// the Newtonian frame N (a.k.a the inertial or World frame).
Expand All @@ -112,32 +112,17 @@ void QuadrotorPlant<T>::DoCalcTimeDerivatives(
const Vector3<T> xyzDDt = Fnet_N / m_; // Equal to a_NBcm_N.

// Use rpy and rpyDt to calculate B's angular velocity in N, expressed in B.
const Vector3<T> w_BN_B = rpy.RollPitchYawDtToAngularVelocityD(rpyDt);

// To compute B's angular acceleration in N, expressed in B, due to the net
// moment on B, rearrange Euler rigid body equation to solve for alpha_BN_B.
// Euler's equation: M = I_.Dot(alpha_BN_B) + w.Cross(I_.Dot(w)).
const Vector3<T> wIw = w_BN_B.cross(I_ * w_BN_B); // Expressed in B.
const Vector3<T> alf_BN_B = I_.ldlt().solve(M - wIw); // Expressed in B.

// For subsequent calculation (below) form B's angular acceleration in N
// expressed in N, and B's angular velocity in N expressed in N.
const Vector3<T> alf_BN_N = R_NB * alf_BN_B; // Expressed in N.
const Vector3<T> w_BN_N = R_NB * w_BN_B; // Expressed in N.

// TODO(mitiguy) replace angularvel2rpydotMatrix with new RollPitchYaw method.
// TODO(mitiguy) continue fixing documentation for this example (here to end).
Matrix3<T> Phi;
typename drake::math::Gradient<Matrix3<T>, 3>::type dPhi;
typename drake::math::Gradient<Matrix3<T>, 3, 2>::type* ddPhi = nullptr;
angularvel2rpydotMatrix(rpy.vector(), Phi, &dPhi, ddPhi);

const Eigen::Matrix<T, 9, 1> dPhi_x_rpyDt_vec = dPhi * rpyDt;
const Eigen::Map<const Matrix3<T>> dPhi_x_rpyDt(;
const Matrix3<T> R_NB_Dt = rpy.OrdinaryDerivativeRotationMatrix(rpyDt);
const Vector3<T> rpyDDt = Phi * alf_BN_N
+ dPhi_x_rpyDt * w_BN_N
+ Phi * R_NB_Dt * w_BN_B;
const Vector3<T> w_BN_B = rpy.CalcAngularVelocityInChildFromRpyDt(rpyDt);

// To compute α (B's angular acceleration in N) due to the net moment 𝛕 on B,
// rearrange Euler rigid body equation 𝛕 = I α + ω × (I ω) and solve for α.
const Vector3<T> wIw = w_BN_B.cross(I_ * w_BN_B); // Expressed in B
const Vector3<T> alpha_NB_B = I_.ldlt().solve(Tau_B - wIw); // Expressed in B
const Vector3<T> alpha_NB_N = R_NB * alpha_NB_B; // Expressed in N

// Calculate the 2nd time-derivative of rpy.
const Vector3<T> rpyDDt =
rpy.CalcRpyDDtFromAngularAccelInParent(rpyDt, alpha_NB_N);

// Recomposing the derivatives vector.
VectorX<T> xDt(12);
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81 changes: 81 additions & 0 deletions math/
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Expand Up @@ -14,6 +14,87 @@ template <typename T>
RollPitchYaw<T>::RollPitchYaw(const Eigen::Quaternion<T>& quaternion) :
RollPitchYaw(quaternion, RotationMatrix<T>(quaternion)) {}

// <h3>Theory</h3>
// This algorithm was created October 2016 by Paul Mitiguy for TRI (Toyota).
// We believe this is a new algorithm (not previously published).
// Some theory/formulation of this algorithm is provided below. More detail
// is in Chapter 6 Rotation Matrices II [Mitiguy 2017] (reference below).
// <pre>
// Notation: Angles q1, q2, q3 designate SpaceXYZ "roll, pitch, yaw" angles.
// A quaternion can be defined in terms of an angle-axis rotation by
// an angle `theta` about a unit vector `lambda`. For example,
// consider right-handed orthogonal unit vectors Ax, Ay, Az and
// Bx, By, Bz fixed in a frame A and a rigid body B, respectively.
// Initially, Bx = Ax, By = Ay, Bz = Az, then B is subjected to a
// right-handed rotation relative to frame A by an angle `theta`
// about `lambda = L1*Ax + L2*Ay + L3*Az = L1*Bx + L2*By + L3*Bz`.
// The elements of `quaternion` are defined e0, e1, e2, e3 as
// `e0 = cos(theta/2)`, `e1 = L1*sin(theta/2)`,
// `e2 = L2*sin(theta/2)`, `e3 = L3*sin(theta/2)`.
// Step 1. The 3x3 rotation matrix R is only used (in conjunction with the
// atan2 function) to accurately calculate the pitch angle q2.
// Note: Since only 5 elements of R are used, the algorithm could be
// made slightly more efficient by computing/passing only those 5
// elements (e.g., not calculating the other 4 elements) and/or
// manipulating the relationship between `R` and quaternion to
// further reduce calculations.
// Step 2. Realize the quaternion passed to the function can be regarded as
// resulting from multiplication of certain 4x4 and 4x1 matrices, or
// multiplying three rotation quaternions (Hamilton product), to give:
// e0 = sin(q1/2)*sin(q2/2)*sin(q3/2) + cos(q1/2)*cos(q2/2)*cos(q3/2)
// e1 = sin(q3/2)*cos(q1/2)*cos(q2/2) - sin(q1/2)*sin(q2/2)*cos(q3/2)
// e2 = sin(q1/2)*sin(q3/2)*cos(q2/2) + sin(q2/2)*cos(q1/2)*cos(q3/2)
// e3 = sin(q1/2)*cos(q2/2)*cos(q3/2) - sin(q2/2)*sin(q3/2)*cos(q1/2)
// Reference for step 2: Chapter 6 Rotation Matrices II [Mitiguy 2017]
// Step 3. Since q2 has already been calculated (in Step 1), substitute
// cos(q2/2) = A and sin(q2/2) = f*A.
// Note: The final results are independent of A and f = tan(q2/2).
// Note: -pi/2 <= q2 <= pi/2 so -0.707 <= [A = cos(q2/2)] <= 0.707
// and -1 <= [f = tan(q2/2)] <= 1.
// Step 4. Referring to Step 2 form: (1+f)*e1 + (1+f)*e3 and rearrange to:
// sin(q1/2+q3/2) = (e1+e3)/(A*(1-f))
// Referring to Step 2 form: (1+f)*e0 - (1+f)*e2 and rearrange to:
// cos(q1/2+q3/2) = (e0-e2)/(A*(1-f))
// Combine the two previous results to produce:
// 1/2*( q1 + q3 ) = atan2( e1+e3, e0-e2 )
// Step 5. Referring to Step 2 form: (1-f)*e1 - (1-f)*e3 and rearrange to:
// sin(q1/5-q3/5) = -(e1-e3)/(A*(1+f))
// Referring to Step 2 form: (1-f)*e0 + (1-f)*e2 and rearrange to:
// cos(q1/2-q3/2) = (e0+e2)/(A*(1+f))
// Combine the two previous results to produce:
// 1/2*( q1 - q3 ) = atan2( e3-e1, e0+e2 )
// Step 6. Combine Steps 4 and 5 and solve the linear equations for q1, q3.
// Use zA, zB to handle case in which both atan2 arguments are 0.
// zA = (e1+e3==0 && e0-e2==0) ? 0 : atan2( e1+e3, e0-e2 );
// zB = (e3-e1==0 && e0+e2==0) ? 0 : atan2( e3-e1, e0+e2 );
// Solve: 1/2*( q1 + q3 ) = zA To produce: q1 = zA + zB
// 1/2*( q1 - q3 ) = zB q3 = zA - zB
// Step 7. As necessary, modify angles by 2*PI to return angles in range:
// -pi <= q1 <= pi
// -pi/2 <= q2 <= pi/2
// -pi <= q3 <= pi
// [Mitiguy, 2017]: "Advanced Dynamics and Motion Simulation,
// For professional engineers and scientists,"
// Prodigy Press, Sunnyvale CA, 2017 (Paul Mitiguy).
// Available at
// </pre>
// @note This algorithm is specific to SpaceXYZ (roll-pitch-yaw) order.
// It is easily modified for other SpaceIJK and BodyIJI rotation sequences.
// @author Paul Mitiguy
template<typename T>
RollPitchYaw<T>::RollPitchYaw(const Eigen::Quaternion<T>& quaternion,
const RotationMatrix<T>& rotation_matrix) {
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