CMMS - Computerized Maintenance Management System
OHIF zero-footprint DICOM viewer and oncology specific Lesion Tracker, plus shared extension packages
A simple web browser DICOM viewer for any device.
Mobile app onboarding, Login, Signup page with #flutter.
Flutter tutorial explaining to create a fitness application UI incorporating use of custom fonts, vertical lists & custom widgets
Flutter Login Register with Shared Preference, MySql
Login Page usando Flutter Explicado.
10+ flutter(android, ios) UI design examples ⚡ - login, books, profile, food order, movie streaming, walkthrough, widgets
Provides login screen with login/signup functionalities to help speed up development
Pokedex app built with Flutter (with lots of animations) using Clean Architecture
Login UI Concept made with flutter (2-in-1)
Animated Curved Navigation Bar in Flutter
Flutter plugin - FancyBottomNavigation
A fluid design slider that works just like the Slider material widget.
My first Flutter UI challenge.
Flutter mobile application for storing and sharing user's medical information