AKG (Auto Kernel Generator) is an optimizer for operators in Deep Learning Networks, which provides the ability to automatically fuse ops with specific patterns.
你管这破玩意叫操作系统源码 — 像小说一样品读 Linux 0.11 核心代码
mzwyuy / cxxopts
Forked from zeusseo/cxxoptsLightweight C++ command line option parser
A lightweight C++20 serialization and RPC library
Run compilers interactively from your web browser and interact with the assembly
Eclipse OMR™ Cross platform components for building reliable, high performance language runtimes
Source Code for 'Beginning x64 Assembly Programming' by Jo Van Hoey
Visual Studio extension for assembly syntax highlighting and code completion in assembly files and the disassembly window
Free and open source software for mathematical and engineering calculations.
C++ hash map and hash set which preserve the order of insertion
A multi-platform support c++11 library with focus on asio (asynchronous socket I/O) for any client applications.
📖 C++ Concurrency in Action - Practical Multithreading
Source code for
fancyss is a project providing tools to across the GFW on asuswrt/merlin based router.
Driver for Linux RTL8188GU (RTL8710B) (VID:PID = 0x0BDA:0xB711)
zeusseo / cxxopts
Forked from jarro2783/cxxoptsLightweight C++ command line option parser
c compiler based on flex(lex), bison(yacc) and LLVM, supports LLVM IR and obj code generation. 基于flex,bison以及LLVM,使用c++11实现的类C语法编译器, 支持生成中间代码及可执行文件.