-This is going to be sort of a more informal log of what new things I have learned so far with either videos, websites, or podcasts. It will basically act as a catch-all for all new things until I get more comfortable with using the markdown syntax because it does take awhile for all the notes to look pretty. But I know it will be worth it.
-I have been learning alot on this journey, while still being confused with CSS and some doubt but persistence is key and I am farther now than I was a couple months ago. So I am progressing. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
-I have been consistenly progressing in my code and while still frustrated with the slow pace sometimes I can say I am frequently thinking about finishing my projects, thinking about code, and wanting to finally make a project on my own. They did say it's a journey, not a race, afterall. Well, I should be able to get my project up and running tonight on netlify, so better get to it then.
- Another thing I want to add is that I was talking to another dude on Discord today and it made me realize that I have been learning alot. I am a frequent watcher of a YouTuber and when I first watched his videos and folwing along I was clueless on what he was talking about. It was like that meme where that dude hypnotized this guy and said he's a martian and speaking in a high-pitched voice saying gibberish-funniest thing ever. So, I started gradually learning concepts more and more. Watching videos going to w3schools and reddit and now a couple of months (about 3) I can say that I can actually undertand everything or almost. I would say about 90-95% of everything he discussed. I'm excited for the future and this is what drives part of my frustration. I want to move too fast sometimes. But it is just a journey, not a marathon. I only got like 3 months to go.
-Alrighty, where to begin. Firstly, I am feeling overwhelmed when watching YouTube tutorials but i know thats all apart of the game and I need to overcome it somehow. I woke up feeling like it is all so much to remember but then when I am in the project looking at the code it does become familiar again. This feeling is strange.. Some things I think I should brush up on are some terms I am not familiar with and will study those tonight. You know what really helped me was looking at what one term means at a time on youtube. Like a visual guide that some videos provide. I did not understand margin and padding but when I looked up a video it really helped visually. After, I should really jump into Javascript in the next couple of days.
- Today I've been learning about JavaScript. I've learned pretty much the basics like variables, functions, arrays and much more. The problem with my current roadmap is that It just shows me the basics and not a lot of how to apply them in a project but there are other sources like w3 and bro code so I think I may go with those for further help.
I may have deviated from the roadmap a little. I seen a tiktok video about using openai that interacts with a projector and other iot devices to create an ironman 'holomat' as it is dubbed by its creator. Unfortunately, it is locked behind a paywall. But it is used with python code, so cant be that hard, right?
Anyway, I will get back onto my javascript code and will finish the video and be looking on FCC and w3 for further explanations on topics I do not uncerstand.
Today I leanred basic javascript syntax and concepts by watching the smoljames intro video.
- Intro to js and how it works
- Js fundamentals like syntax, including variables, data types, and operators.
- Control flow through conditional statements and loops.
- Basic functions and their use in structuring code.
Quick side tangent, I dont really feel like I know this though as good as it may sound. So, I will be trying Bro code's video and some w3 to try and understanding through more practical examples and methods. I know it is oonly a video on the introdcution but I have always been not able to understand loops since in college with c++ but I will try harder.
Currently learning React right now. And I think I will try to upload my projects from Free Code Camp because I think it shows effort, at least, I jsut will not pin them to show them off because I feel as if it will look kinda disingenuous.
Oh, forgot to add that I will be studying some mini javascript projects to help with memory. Simple but helpful, I hope.
- So I posted one of the mini javascript projects to help me get my feet wet with the programming language. I am hoping it will jumpstart my journey by providing my learning into a project style format. The best thing about these mini projects is that they don't take too long and I can know em out in an hour maybe.
- I have been dabbling a bit in python, recently posted mini- project, and Tech with Tim really helped me understand how easy it is. I made another quiz project with internet insults that is really funny but I am hesitant on pushing it because it deals with internet insults like incel and whatnot. I dont know if its controversial or not. I will probably just modify it. That is part of a 9 hour video on easy to advanced python projects.
- Right now, I am currently working on a React To Do list and trying to publish it tonight. Slowly working my way through the Roadmap.
- So, today have not been able to get much done other than working on the react project as mentioned before. The problem was that I kept running into hiccups with certain parts of the code, and it's a lot to understand. BUT I am getting there. You know I do enjoy the react project that I am working on strangely enough. I don't know what it is about it.
- Today I have published my first React project. This simple project was created using react.js and will create, edit, and delete tasks within a web browser. This app is dauntin to go through but hopefully with constant exposure it wont be so horrifying. I will be adding some fixes soon like tomorrow. Ran through some life hiccups so trying to stay on here as much as possible.
- Man, this React stuff is a doozy but I am kinda understanding the process a little bit more. The only thing that slows me down is that the app keeps BREAKING!!!! So frustrating. Anyways, imma keep chipping through.
- So, I finally got the React project working and forgot to update yesterday but all that matters is it WORKS!!! I also completed another mini-python project and uploaded them on here. Gonna keep chipping away now.
- I will be finishing and adding another python project because I really want to learn python especially for the automation and ai parts as I find that really fascinating. Like I said before it would be really nice to learn all of that ontop of the web development.
- Today I am thinking that I will follow-through with some projects I have been thinking about but didn't dawn on me until today. I will complete 21 projects in 21 days. Each day I will complete 1 project and this will allow me to get comfortable with python and slowly introduce to concepts from easy to advanced difficulty. My hopes from this are to understand python through project based learning much like the web development roadmap I will still be completing! I think with this, the roadmap, and school I should be able to prove that I am more than capable of landing a job. Most of all proving to myself that I can and WILL DO IT!!!
- So, after some thinking Web development is great, but if I am to go back to school I might as well get the cert in networking with an employment concentration of cyber security. That should be enough to get me started. I will continue web development just because of interests but I will slow down and switch gears into python and cybersec. I mean that was the end goal anyways.
- Really have decided what I would liike to do now and it does not include web develpoment but rather more python and networking. Like network admin type level stuff. Although this is a change in my work, my focus is all the same and will continue to be just known as a pivot in this journey. This is why I really enjoy and appreciate tech because I dont really know another industry where you can just pivot into something else so easily. I am really excited for networking because I dont have to study as hard with coding, or feel pressured to be productive when I can study some python in the mean time then learn more about networking and how we stay connected. I will still be uploading python projects too. It really makes it even more enjoyable because I can really study python and learn ai and automation and really excel with that. Thanks smoljames! This is really it for me, I believe. I am more happy and motivated than ever now!
- Uploaded a python project in which you chose your own adventure. This adventure is based off of childrens storybooks and asks which way directionally do you want to pursue to make it out alive. Also, is more scarier but I assume we're all adults here. I may add more but for now I think its enough. It is actually really fun and will add another one tommorow.
- Today was a minor setback but I will try tonight and tomorrow to begin the medium difficulty projects so by the time I start college again, I will be in better standing than with the C++ course. And I need to fix the adventure game python project to maybe add more options or more interesting scenarios.
No longer considering the developer route. I have been doing constant reflecting about how I am to continue this journey and it will be in the form of a new path. That new path is called Networking. Throughout my short term semester in school, I took a class that helped reinforce my decisions in this insightful year. That class was College Success and Career Readiness. I have now found a path that I am truly excited to embark upon. This really feels like me. So, for the forseeable future I am now, still contiuing the tech path but will be I.T. focused, in Networking. I think I may start a new log and rename this one. That desicion in pending...