scikit-learn Public
Forked from scikit-learn/scikit-learnscikit-learn: machine learning in Python
Python Other UpdatedJan 28, 2019 -
inception-score-pytorch Public
Forked from sbarratt/inception-score-pytorchInception Score for GANs in Pytorch
Python MIT License UpdatedApr 30, 2018 -
microblog Public
Forked from miguelgrinberg/microblogA microblogging web application written in Python and Flask that I developed as part of my Flask Mega-Tutorial series.
Python MIT License UpdatedApr 10, 2018 -
Accessing-and-modifying-different-layers-of-a-pretrained-model-in-pytorch Public
Forked from mortezamg63/Accessing-and-modifying-different-layers-of-a-pretrained-model-in-pytorchUpdatedDec 13, 2017 -
gym-ple Public
Forked from lusob/gym-pleThis package allows to use PLE as a gym environment.
Python UpdatedSep 21, 2017 -
DenseNet-Keras Public
Forked from flyyufelix/DenseNet-KerasDenseNet Implementation in Keras with ImageNet Pretrained Models
Python MIT License UpdatedAug 24, 2017 -
Keras-FCN Public
Forked from aurora95/Keras-FCNKeras-tensorflow implementation of Fully Convolutional Networks for Semantic Segmentation(Unfinished)
Python MIT License UpdatedAug 22, 2017 -
PSPNet-Keras-tensorflow Public
Forked from Vladkryvoruchko/PSPNet-Keras-tensorfloworiginal code : https://github.com/hszhao/PSPNet
Python MIT License UpdatedAug 18, 2017 -
opencv-machine-learning Public
Forked from mbeyeler/opencv-machine-learningMachine Learning for OpenCV: A practical introduction to the world of machine learning using OpenCV and Python
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedJul 20, 2017 -
imageme Public
Forked from unwitting/imagemeA super simple image gallery server
Python MIT License UpdatedJul 17, 2017