This fork is meant to work together with my dopamine fork
To get started:
- In a directory
clone both this fork and my dopamine fork - docker pull justnikos/batchrl
- Start a docker container with this image that mounts the
directory so that it is accessible inside the container. I start my container like this
sudo docker run -d -ti --name nikos --volume="$HOME/.Xauthority:/root/.Xauthority:rw" --env="DISPLAY" --net=host -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -v $HOME:/root justnikos/batchrl /bin/bash
Then I create shells like this
sudo docker exec -ti nikos /bin/bash
The reason is I can run pycharm to edit the projects which helps a lot when you are working on someone else's code
pycharm-community &
- Create a venv for this project (always a good idea). Here it important to give access to already installed stuff in the docker
python -m venv --system-site-packages venv
- activate the venv (
source venv/bin/activate
) - Go to the dopamine repo and pip install it as editable (find where resides (typically at the repo root) and do
pip install -e .
) - Now any changes in our dopamine fork will be reflected immediately in batch_rl (assuming we never forget activate the venv)
- Download data from atarilogs azure blob (below I'm assuming they end up under $HOME/breakout $HOME/seaquest)
az storage blob download-batch --account-name atarilogs -s batchrl -d $HOME
plus any sas tokens/connection strings you need.
- Some useful commands (assuming you are in atari/batch_rl and you have activated the venv): Test everything is installed correctly
python -um batch_rl.tests.fixed_replay_runner_test --replay_dir=$HOME/breakout
Run the batch dqn agent
python -um batch_rl.fixed_replay.train --base_dir=/tmp/breakout/dqn --replay_dir=$HOME/breakout --gin_files=batch_rl/fixed_replay/configs/dqn.gin
Run the rem agent
python -um batch_rl.fixed_replay.train --base_dir=/tmp/breakout/rem --replay_dir=$HOME/breakout --gin_files=batch_rl/fixed_replay/configs/rem.gin --agent_name=multi_head_dqn
Run our agent
python -um batch_rl.fixed_replay.train --base_dir=/tmp/breakout/opdqn --replay_dir=$HOME/breakout --gin_files=batch_rl/fixed_replay/configs/off_policy_dqn.gin --agent_name=off_policy_dqn
You can start a tensorboard to monitor the experiments. Forward port 6006 and do
tensorboard --logdir /tmp/breakout/
Now you should see stuff if you go to localhost:6006. It takes a while for the first actual datapoints to appear.
This project provides the open source implementation using the Dopamine framework for running experiments mentioned in An Optimistic Perspective on Offline Reinforcement Learning. In this work, we use the logged experiences of a DQN agent for training off-policy agents (shown below) in an offline setting (i.e., batch RL) without any new interaction with the environment during training. Refer to for the project page.
The DQN Replay Dataset was collected as follows: We first train a DQN agent, on all 60 Atari 2600 games with sticky actions enabled for 200 million frames (standard protocol) and save all of the experience tuples of (observation, action, reward, next observation) (approximately 50 million) encountered during training.
This logged DQN data can be found in the public GCP bucket
which can be downloaded using gsutil
To install gsutil, follow the instructions here.
After installing gsutil, run the command to copy the entire dataset:
gsutil -m cp -R gs://atari-replay-datasets/dqn
To run the dataset only for a specific Atari 2600 game (e.g., replace GAME_NAME
by Pong
to download the logged DQN replay datasets for the game of Pong),
run the command:
gsutil -m cp -R gs://atari-replay-datasets/dqn/[GAME_NAME]
This data can be generated by running the online agents using
for 200 million frames
(standard protocol). Note that the dataset consists of approximately 50 million
experience tuples due to frame skipping (i.e., repeating a selected action for
consecutive frames) of 4. The stickiness parameter is set to 0.25, i.e.,
there is 25% chance at every time step that the environment will execute the
agent's previous action again, instead of the agent's new action.
Install the dependencies below, based on your operating system, and then install Dopamine, e.g.
pip install git+
Finally, download the source code for batch RL, e.g.
git clone
If you don't have access to a GPU, then replace tensorflow-gpu
in the line below (see Tensorflow
instructions for details).
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install cmake zlib1g-dev
pip install absl-py atari-py gin-config gym opencv-python tensorflow-gpu
brew install cmake zlib
pip install absl-py atari-py gin-config gym opencv-python tensorflow
Assuming that you have cloned the batch_rl repository, follow the instructions below to run unit tests.
You can test whether basic code is working by running the following:
cd batch_rl
python -um batch_rl.tests.atari_init_test
To test an agent using a fixed replay buffer, first generate the data for the
Atari 2600 game of Pong
export DATA_DIR="Insert directory name here"
mkdir -p $DATA_DIR/Pong
gsutil -m cp -R gs://atari-replay-datasets/dqn/Pong/1 $DATA_DIR/Pong
Assuming the replay data is present in $DATA_DIR/Pong/1/replay_logs
, run the FixedReplayDQNAgent
on Pong
using the logged DQN data:
cd batch_rl
python -um batch_rl.tests.fixed_replay_runner_test \
The entry point to the standard Atari 2600 experiment is
Run the batch DQN
agent using the following command:
python -um batch_rl.fixed_replay.train \
--base_dir=/tmp/batch_rl \
--replay_dir=$DATA_DIR/Pong/1 \
By default, this will kick off an experiment lasting 200 training iterations (equivalent to experiencing 200 million frames for an online agent).
To get finer-grained information about the process,
you can adjust the experiment parameters in
in particular by increasing the FixedReplayRunner.num_iterations
to see
the asymptotic performance of the batch agents. For example,
run the batch REM
agent for 800 training iterations on the game of Pong
using the following command:
python -um batch_rl.fixed_replay.train \
--base_dir=/tmp/batch_rl \
--replay_dir=$DATA_DIR/Pong/1 \
--agent_name=multi_head_dqn \
--gin_files='batch_rl/fixed_replay/configs/rem.gin' \
--gin_bindings='FixedReplayRunner.num_iterations=1000' \
--gin_bindings='atari_lib.create_atari_environment.game_name = "Pong"'
More generally, since this code is based on Dopamine, it can be easily configured using the gin configuration framework.
The code was tested under Ubuntu 16 and uses these packages:
- tensorflow-gpu>=1.13
- absl-py
- atari-py
- gin-config
- opencv-python
- gym
- numpy
If you find this open source release useful, please reference in your paper:
Agarwal, R., Schuurmans, D. & Norouzi, M.. (2020). An Optimistic Perspective on Offline Reinforcement Learning International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML).
title={An Optimistic Perspective on Offline Reinforcement Learning},
author={Agarwal, Rishabh and Schuurmans, Dale and Norouzi, Mohammad},
journal={International Conference on Machine Learning},
Note: A previous version of this work was titled "Striving for Simplicity in Off Policy Deep Reinforcement Learning" and was presented as a contributed talk at NeurIPS 2019 DRL Workshop.
Disclaimer: This is not an official Google product.