NXshop Backend
================================================= Description
The backend app is base on AdminLTE template and include RBAC.
main function list
------ User management
------ Role management
------ Menu control
------ Route control
-- System Setting
------ Language setup
------ User log record
The backend is easy to install, and for new project is easier to extend new modules base on it, it will make you develop a new project faster and faster.
================================================= Install
The best way to install this backend app is clone the code or download source code into your site, and doing only two steps see below
import rbac.sql to your database;
insert two lines code before $application->run();
$cookie = Yii::$app->request->cookies;
$application->language = $cookie->has('language') ? $cookie->getValue('language') : 'en';
The code is for backend language, default it is english version.
================================================= Visit Backend
visit by http://webroot/backend/web/
username: admin
password: password