The JSON Swiss Army kNife. Convert, subset, repurpose, and otherwise extract information in JSON streams/files from the command line
provides extraction of data from JSON streams (from file or standard input) and returns (to file or standard output) the result in user-customizable format. A common application is to convert JSON-encoded data into comma separated values (CSV) format. Conversion is fast and does not consume memory, allowing for conversion of arbitrarily large (or endlessly streaming) JSON files. Data fields can optionally be filtered during conversion so that only desired fields are retained in the resulting output.
Because jsan
can also write to standard output, it can also serve as a useful exploration tool for quickly exploring JSON data (e.g., pulling user names across all entries). Output can be piped to other common command line tools (e.g., awk) as in traditional unix-like workflows.
For usage help:
jsan --help
To convert the file mydata.json to results.csv:
jsan --input=mydata.json --output=results.csv
To list available data fields in mydata.json:
jsan --input=mydata.json --list
To convert AND only keep the data fields "text" and "created_on" while writing to standard output:
jsan --input=mydata.json --keep text created_on
You can also remove named data fields. The following will keep all fields EXCEPT "email" and "phone":
jsan --input=mydata.json --remove email phone
Nested JSON data fields can be accessed by using a colon. To keep the fields user->screen_name and user->bio->address
jsan --input=mydata.json --keep user:screen_name user:bio:address
Use pipes to use the output of other commands as input:
cat mydata.json | jsan
Combine and get creative. Let's list all users whose screen names start with "M":
cat mydata.json | jsan -k user:screen_name | grep '^"m'
Same as above, but dump the results into a file called names.txt
cat mydata.json | jsan -k user:screen_name | grep '^"m' > names.txt
The delimeter can optionally be set (default = ","):
jsan --delimeter=','
A header with "column" names is output by default. Suppress with:
jsan --noheader
Self-contained binary packages have been pre-built for Mac OS X and x86_64 Linux systems. Linux binaries were built on Arch Linux and should work on similar systems (it has also been tested to work on Ubuntu 12.04). Mac binaries were built on OS X 10.10.5, but should work for other recent version (your mileage may vary). For other systems you will need to build from source (see Manual Build).
- Download the latest version x.x.x in zip or tar.gz format.
- Unpack it in a destination folder of your choice, replacing x.x.x with an appropriate version number
cd jsan
tar -xzf jsan-x.x.x-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
cd jsan
- An executable named jsan is located in the newly created folder "jsan". You can run this file directly with
- Better yet, make a symbolic link to the executable somewhere on your path. Working from within the
directory created by the unpacking command, run the following:
sudo ln -s `pwd`/jsan /usr/local/bin
Now you can call jsan
from within any directory.
To build jsan from source, you will need Chicken Scheme installed on your system. This software was developed and tested on Chicken 4.9.0. Your mileage may vary on other versions.
Additionally, you will need the following Eggs installed:
- medea
- args
jsan also uses the following Units (which are included by default):
- file
- srfi-1
- srfi-13
Installation is simple once Chicken is properly installed:
- Clone the git repository into a directory of your choice
- Ensure that the file jsan.scm is executable (
chmod +x jsan.scm
For better performance, you should consider compiling the script to a binary executable. To do so, first follow the installation steps above, then compile the script with
csc jsan.scm -o jsan
The resulting executable "jsan" should be placed somewhere on your PATH.
Please report any problems that you find, along with any suggestions or contributions to the theme.
You can support this project, or my other projects via ChangeTip
Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Nicholas M. Van Horn
Author: Nicholas M. Van Horn [email protected]
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see