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BLISS Webpage

This repository holds the source code for the BLISS Website.

Big thanks to our befriended AI student organisation AITU team for open-sourcing their webpage code, which served as the foundation of this website.

🌟 Techstack

The project is built using the modern JS framework Astro and follows a minimal project setup. It utilises native HTML, CSS, and JS (in .astro files) as much as possible. The packages used are:

We also use @astrojs/tailwind to integrate Tailwind with Astro.

🚀 Project Structure

The project structure broadly follows the default Astro file structure:

├── public/
│   ├── authors/
│   │   └── jan-tiegges.jpg
│   ├── posts/
│   │   ├── post
│   │   │   ├── banner.jpg
│   │   │   ├── ogImage.jpg
│   │   │   └── ...
│   │   └── ...
│   ├── assets/
│   └── ...
├── src/
│   ├── components/
│   ├── layouts/
│   │   └── Layout.astro
│   │   └── BlogLayout.astro
│   └── pages/
│       └── index.astro
│       └── blog/
│           └── index.astro
│           └──
└── package.json
└── ...

The public directory contains all publicly available assets such as images, icons (including the favicon), and other metadata used by web crawlers for indexing the webpage. All global site assets directly reside in /public and should not be modified without good reason. Assets added over time should be saved in one of the following directories depending on the asset type:

  • The directory public/authors contains small images/ illustrations of all authors
  • The directory public/posts contains sub-directories for the assets directly for each blog post
  • The directory public/assets contains all other assets

All newly static images should be compressed to a size of max. 150KB and be in jpg format.

The src directory contains all source code, mostly .astro files which include JSX-like HTML syntax, (Tailwind-)CSS, and Java/Typescript support. The layout component holds two base layouts, that apply global styles. All styles are wrapped in the Layout.astro component and all blog posts are additionally wrapped in the BlogLayout.astro component. The pages component configures all available routes. By default, there are just three routes /, /join, and /blog. All individual blog articles are stored as Markdown files, see the Writing a Blog Post section for details.

🧞 Contributing

To contribute to this project in the form of adding blog posts, fixing bugs, or improving functionality, please clone this repository and follow the instructions below.

First, create a local copy of the repository. If you have GitHub CLI installed, you can use the following command to clone the repository and navigate to the project directory:

gh repo clone bliss-e-v/webpage
cd webpage

If you don't have GitHub CLI, feel free to use the following command which uses the standard git CLI:

git clone
cd webpage

Next, let's run the project locally. To run the project, you need to have Node.js installed. Make sure that you have a recent version of node installed. You can check your current version, which should >19:

node --version

If your node version is too low, you can install a recent version through the Node Version Manager nvm.

To install the dependencies of the project you need have to install the project dependencies. You can choose any package manager of your liking, like npm, yarn or pnpm. However, we recommend that you use yarn and assume that you have it installed for the reet of this walk-through. To

yarn install

This should install all the dependencies listed in the package.json file. Once the dependencies are installed, you can run the project locally using the following command:

astro dev

This will start a local server on http://localhost:3000 and you can visit the website in your web browser. Now you can start to implement your changes. Depending on the type of change, we would like you to develop your changes on a new branch and open a pull request to the main branch:

  • If you are writing a blog post, create a branch blog/<blog-name>
  • If you are adding a feature, create a branch feat/<feat-name>
  • If you are fixing an issue, create a branch fix/<fix-name>

You can create and change to a new branch using the following command:

git checkout -b <branch-name>

Make changes to the code and commit them to the branch using git add and git commit -m (Make an effort for descriptive commit messages). Once you are finished, push the branch to the remote repository. You can do this using the following command:

git push --set-upstream origin <branch-name>

Once the branch is pushed to the remote repository, you can open a pull request using the GitHub CLI (gh pr create) or from the GitHub website.

🗒️ Writing a Blog Post

Before starting to write a blog post, you should first create a new branch for your blog post. See the Contributing section for details. Once you have created a new branch, you can start writing your blog post.

Adding Blog Metadata

Create a new file <new-blogpost>.md in the directory src/pages/blog. The first thing you wanna do is to add frontmatter to your blog post. As of now, the webpage does not provide a lot of error handling, so not providing the expected metadata about a post is likely to cause the site to crash. Below you will find the metadata for our very first blog article, feel free to copy it and then adjust it with the correct information.

Note: The file src/utils/types.ts defines a type Frontmatter. See it to know the precise types of all the fields.

layout: ../../layouts/BlogLayout.astro
slug: first-post
title: My first blogpost! 🎉
  This is a description
  - Firstname Lastname
format: event
  - first-posr
  src: /assets/path-to-photo.jpg
  alt: a title photo
  src: /assets/path-to-photo.jpg
  alt: a title photo
published: 01/01/2023

Note, that the published field required the date format MM/DD/YYYY and the image and layout fields require either relative paths from the blog articles directory (as can be seen in the layout field) or refer to public assets by prefixing the path with / (as can be seen in the image field).

At this point, you should be able to visit the new blog article at route http://localhost:3000/blog/<new-blogpost> and see the meta information rendering correctly.

Write the Article

You can then go ahead and write regular Markdown - all default Markdown features are available, like headers, dividers, bold and italic styles, links, images, ordered/unordered lists, and block quotes. The below example shows how to write a blog post using Markdown.

# This is a header

This is a paragraph with some **bold** and _italic_ text. You can also add
[links]( and images:

![BLISS Logo](/assets/logo.png)

You can also add ordered lists:
1. First
2. Second

And unordered lists:
- First
- Second

## This is a subheader


> This is a block quote that is rendered after a divider

We support code blocks as well:

Note, that we are looking to support .mdx features, such as including dynamic UI components. However, this is not yet supported.

Add a Title Image

All assets for a blog post should be stored in the directory public/posts/<blog-post>. Your post should contain a minimum of two images, which is the title image for your blog post in two different recommended sizes:

  1. A wide banner image (1455x398 px), called banner.jpg

  2. A smaller preview image (1200x630 px), called ogImage.jpg, which is used for previews on our own website and when we share links to the blog on common social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

Choose an appropriate title image that is nice to look at and hints at the post's contents. Make sure, it is a high-quality image, as the image will be shown in large across the entire blog page. Assuming your title image is called titleImage.png, run the following two commands:

magick titleImage.png -resize "1455x265^" -background black -gravity center -extent "1455x398" banner.jpg 
magick titleImage.png -resize "1200x630^" -background black -gravity center -extent "1200x630" ogImage.jpg 

This will create two images banner.jpg and ogImage.jpg with the correct dimensions. Open both images to confirm that the processing was performed correctly and that the image is not distorted. If you are not happy with the result, you can always try again with a different image (some image dimensions may not work well e.g. as the banner image). Also, note that the image size should not exceed 150kB.

When you are happy with the result, move the images into the public/posts directory and add the following metadata to your blog post:

  src: /public/posts/<blog-post>/banner.jpg
  alt: A description of the image
  src: /public/posts/<blog-post>/ogImage.jpg
  alt: A description of the image

Add Images

You can also add more images to your blog post. These images can be used to illustrate the content of the post. To add an image place it in the public/posts/<blog-post> directory and then add the following syntax to your blog post:

![alt text](/public/posts/<blog-post>/image.jpg)

Again, make sure that the image size does not exceed 150kB (.jpg is the preferred image format as it uses compression). It the image significantly exceeds the maximum file size, use online or CLI tools to compress the image. Also, remember to add alt text for increased visibility (SEO).

Adding Author Profile Image

If you have never authored a blog post before, just writing your name in the author metadata field will not magically make an image of you appear. For this to work, you will need to add your own avatar to the public/authors directory. Note, that the naming of the file is critically important since Astro is internally traversing the author meta tag (lowercasing and making spaces to dashes) and searches for a match in the public/authors directory. This means the following for adding an author image.

author: Mika Senghaas -> /public/authors/mika-senghaas.jpg

✅ Done. Thanks for making this project better!


Public Webpage (






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  • Astro 79.6%
  • TypeScript 14.6%
  • JavaScript 5.7%
  • CSS 0.1%