Easy to use Angular directives for user file selections (DEMO PAGE)
This package is to handle select/drag/drop of files. Once files are selected, for uploading, you then use native
for uploading selected files (see here for more on uploading).
Table of Contents
- A recommended way to install angular-file is through npm package manager using the following command:
npm install angular-file --save-dev
Alternatively, you can download it in a ZIP file.
contains three directives:ngf
, andngfDrop
are quite the same with just different defaults and they both utilize<input type="file" />
is used to designate an area that will be used for dropping of file(s). -
More information regarding using of angular-file is located in demo and demo sources.
An example intended to have every line needed to run an app with angular-file. To use this example, replace the contents of main.ts with this code, and add <app></app>
to the body of index.html
import { ngfModule, ngf } from "angular-file"
import { Component, NgModule } from "@angular/core"
import {
HttpClientModule, HttpRequest, HttpResponse, HttpEvent
} from "@angular/common/http"
import { platformBrowserDynamic } from "@angular/platform-browser-dynamic"
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser'
import { Subscription } from 'rxjs'
//two ways to upload files
const template = `
type = "file"
accept = "image/*"
[(files)] = "files"
maxSize = "1024"
<button *ngIf="files" (click)="uploadFiles(files)">send files</button>
[files] = "files"
[(FormData)] = "myFormData"
postName = "file"
[(percent)] = "uploadPercent"
[httpEvent] = "httpEvent"
<div *ngIf="uploadPercent">
Upload Progress: {{ uploadPercent }}%
selector: 'app',
template: template
export class AppComponent {
postUrl = '...'
myFormData:FormData//populated by ngfFormData directive
constructor(public HttpClient:HttpClient){}
uploadFiles(files:File[]) : Subscription {
const config = new HttpRequest('POST', this.postUrl, this.myFormData, {
reportProgress: true
return this.HttpClient.request( config )
this.httpEvent = event
if (event instanceof HttpResponse) {
alert('upload complete, old school alert used')
alert('!failure beyond compare cause:' + error.toString())
imports: [
declarations: [
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {}
Examples of how to allow file selection
<input type="file" ngf [(files)]="files" multiple />
<input type="file" ngf [(file)]="file" />
<div ngfSelect multiple="1" [(files)]="files">
Tap to Select
Images Only
<button ngfSelect [(file)]="userFile" accept="image/*" multiple="1">
Tap to Select
<div [ngfBackground]="userFile"
Examples of how to allow file drag/drop
<div ngfDrop
[ngClass]="{'myHoverClass': validDrag, 'myAntiHoverClass': validDrag}"
Drop Files Here
Combo Drop Select
<div ngfDrop selectable="1" multiple="1"
[ngClass]="{'goodDragClass':validComboDrag, 'badDragClass':invalidComboDrag}"
Combo drop/select zone
- ngf Directive
- ngfDrop Directive
- ngfBackground Directive
- ngfSelect Directive
- ngfUploadStatus Directive
ngf : ngf//reference to directive class
[multiple] : string
[accept] : string
[maxSize] : number//bytes . 1024 = 1k . 1048576 = 1mb
[ngfFixOrientation] : boolean = true
[fileDropDisabled] : any = false
[selectable] : any = false
[(lastInvalids)] : {file:File,type:string}[] = []
[(lastBaseUrl)] : string//Base64 od last file uploaded url
[(file)] : File//last file uploaded
[(files)] : File[]
(init) : EventEmitter<ngf>
This directive extends ngf
(fileOver) :EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter()
[(validDrag)] :any = false
[(invalidDrag)] :any = false
Supporting Internet Explorer 11 or less?
Only (fileOver) works accurately [(validDrag)] & [(invalidDrag)] should NOT be used as IE11 does not indicate the number of files NOR the types of files being dragged like other modern web browsers
This directive extends ngf
[selectable]:any = true
Does calculations of an upload event and provideds percent of upload completed
Converts files to FormData
[postName]:string = "file"
[fileName]:string//optional force file name
Angular, natively, makes uploading files so very easy!
Did you know?
- You do NOT and should NOT use a seperate package to upload files other than
- You do not need a package like ng2-file-upload which have outdated non-core-community driven file uploading scripts
- Just can just use
to send files! Why add more unneccessary weight of dependency of another package? - Multi file uploading is so easy with
- You will have the most control seperating your file selecting from file uploading
- You should use this package, angular-file, to select files and then give to Angular to upload
Uploading files is as easy as:
import { Subscription } from "rxjs"//only included for data typing
import {
HttpClient, HttpRequest, HttpResponse
} from "@angular/common/http"
export const uploadFiles(files:File[]) : Subscription {
const postUrl = "..."
const myFormData:FormData = new FormData()
files.forEach(file=>myFormData.append("file", file, "file-name.xyz"))
const config = new HttpRequest("POST", postUrl, myFormData), {
reportProgress: true
return this.HttpClient.request( config )
if (event instanceof HttpResponse) {
alert('upload complete, old school alert used')
alert('!failure cause:' + error.toString())
Please follow this guidelines when reporting bugs and feature requests:
- Use GitHub Issues board to report bugs and feature requests (not our email address)
- Please always write steps to reproduce the error. That way we can focus on fixing the bug, not scratching our heads trying to reproduce it.
Thanks for understanding!
- Current Author: Acker Apple
- Forked from outdated package: ng2-file-upload
The MIT License (see the LICENSE file for the full text)