A Pokemon Fangame with lots of strategy, fit for anyone and everyone to play!
Still WIP :)
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The goal of the game is to hit 20 clams before your opponent does.
At the end of each round, you gain 1 clam by having one of your Pokemon hold 1 of 5 control points.
At the start of a turn, you are given 5 energy, which you can spend either on your shop or the board. Your turn ends when you run out of energy. Each round consists of each player taking a turn.
The shop randomly gives you 3-6 things! There are 2 types: Pokemon and Items.
The shop tier upgrades every two rounds, going up to 6. The higher your shop tier, the stronger the Pokemon and Items available become.
Buying anything from the shop costs 2 energy (unless stated otherwise). Rerolling your shop costs 1 energy.
You can purchase a wide variety of Pokemon in your shop. Pokemon have HP, attack, speed, and range stats.
- HP represents your pokemon health
- Attack represents the damage dealt upon using a normal attack
- Speed represents the number of spaces you can move in a single turn
- Range represents the number of spaces your attacks can target in a radius around you (ex. 1 range is a 3x3 area, 2 range is 5x5)
Energy Costs:
- Moving a Pokemon costs 1 energy
- Regular attacks cost 1 energy
- Special attacks have differing costs, equivalent to the amount specified in the attack description.
- Passive abilities do not have a cost and happen automatically.
Many Pokemon can evolve into a higher-tiered Pokemon. This can be done using a Rare-candy item, or by purchasing the evolution in the shop. Evolution fully heals the user.
Two types: Held Items and Fed Items
- Held Items are given to a Pokemon and are not consumed (until later in some cases). They can be replaced at any time.
- Fed Items are given to a Pokemon, consumed immediately, and are single-use.
Bulbasaur line, Dratini line, Azurill line, Swablu line, Starly line, Cottonee line, Joltik line, Litwick line, Dwebble line, Deino line, Mareanie line, Hatenna line, Dreepy line, Mawile line, Trapinch line, Glimmet line, Porygon line, Staryu line, Corsola line, Shroomish line, Mantyke line, Sneasel line, Gastly line, Iron Valiant, Shaymin, Jirachi, Diancie, Manaphy, Kyogre, Chi-yu, Regieleki, Magearna, Wo-Chien, Latias, Xerneas, Eevee (all evolutions),
Held Items: Leftovers, Focus Sash, Heavy Duty Boots, Life Orb, Assault Vest, Rocky Helmet, Eviolite
Fed Items: Berry Juice, Power Herb, Hyper Potion, Rare Candy, Strange Stone (functionally a combination of Mega-Stones and Primal Orbs), Full Restore