Project for analyze cars board data
# 1. Clone the repository or click on "Use this template" button.
git clone
# 2. Enter your newly-cloned folder.
cd my-new-project
# 3. Install dependencies. (Make sure yarn is installed:
# 4. Run development server and open http://localhost:3000
yarn start:dev
# 5. Read the documentation linked below for "Setup and development".
This project includes a docs
folder with more details on:
First-time setup
Make sure you have the following installed:
Node (at least the latest LTS) Yarn (at least 1.0) #Installation
yarn install Note: don't delete yarn.lock before installation
#Database Note: Awesome nest analyzer uses TypeORM with Data Mapper pattern.
#Configuration Before start in docker compose file run Postgres container.
Some helper script to work with database
# To create empty migration file
yarn typeorm:migration:create migration_name
# To generate new migration file depend current db
yarn typeorm:migration:create migration_name
# Truncate full database (note: it isn't deleting the database)
yarn typeorm:schema:drop
# Generate migration from update of entities
yarn migration:generate migration_name
#Dev server Note: If you're on Linux and see an ENOSPC error when running the commands below, you must increase the number of available file watchers.
# Launch the dev server
yarn start:dev
# Launch the dev server with file watcher
yarn watch:dev
# Launch the dev server and enable remote debugger with file watcher
yarn debug:dev
This project includes generators to speed up common development tasks. Commands include:
Note: Make sure you already have the nest-cli globally installed
# Install nest-cli globally
yarn global add @nestjs/cli
# Generate a new service
nest generate service users
# Generate a new class
nest g class users