This is a small demo of how to use Apache Kafka Broker in Spring boot App.
If you don't have a Kafka already installed on your machine, so execute docker command line : docker-compose.yml up -d.
This command will pull the required Docker images (if not already available) and start the ZooKeeper and Kafka containers.
After executing the docker-compose up -d command, you should have a Kafka broker running on localhost:9092, and ZooKeeper running on localhost:2181. You can modify the Kafka broker's address in your Spring application's configuration file to connect to this local Kafka instance.
We have three config classes : KafkaConsumerConfig & KafkaProducerConfig that used to configure Kafka using Beans.
KafkaTopicConfig class contains a method that build a NewTopic "firstTopic" and used in KafkaListeners Class to send a test message to consumer.
MessageController class have a publish method that send MessageRequest to "firstTopic".
Feel free to downaload my code and make any updates.🔥