A team-oriented task list web application.
From a coding test I did a while back. Putting it up here and improving it.
- Setup a python2 virtualenv and activate it (see http://docs.python-guide.org/en/latest/dev/virtualenvs/).
- Install required dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
. - Run dev server:
python manage.py runserver
. - Browse to http://localhost:8000/task_list/ .
- To run tests:
python manage.py test -v2
- Run docker-compose as usual (TODO: modify to remove ssl stuff)
- Create an account by clicking on 'Register' in the top menu.
- Login using credentials.
- To add a task click on "Add Task" and fill in both Title and Description fields and submit.
- To close a task click on the "Not Done" badge on the right hand sight of task in the table.
- To find out who closed a particular task, hover over the "Done" badge of a finished task (tooltip should provide username).
- To edit a task click on the pencil glyph.
- To delete a task click on the cross glyph.
Demo available here: https://dev.nakhan.net:8443/task_list/