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QGym: Scalable Simulation and Benchmarking of Queuing Network Controllers

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Table of Contents


QGym is an open-source simulation framework designed to benchmark queuing policies across diverse and realistic problem instances. The framework supports a wide range of environments including parallel servers, criss-cross, tandem, and re-entrant networks. It provides a platform for comparing both model-free RL methods and classical queuing policies. See more details in our paper.

Highlights of QGym

  • OpenAI Gym Interface: Easy deployment of RL algorithms.
  • Event-driven Simulation: Precise timekeeping and fast simulation.
  • Job-Level Tracking: Allows modeling parallel server systems.
  • Arbitrary Arrival Patterns: Simulates time-varying arrival patterns.
  • Server Pool: Fast simulation for a large number of same-class servers.
  • Batch Simulation: Efficient parallel simulation of multiple trajectories.
  • Open-sourced: Adaptable to custom needs.

File Structure

  • main
    • Runs a batch of experiments configured in configs/experiments. See Running Experiments for details.
    • Defines the Trainer class, which is a collection of methods for training and evaluating models.
    • Simulator code with OpenAI Gym interface
  • configs
    • experiments: Each directory under experiments contains one or more YAML files. Each YAML file configures a single experiment. See Experiment Configuration for details.
    • env: Contains YAML files for specifying queueing networks.
    • model: Contains YAML files for specifying queueing policies.
    • scripts: Contains Python files for defining arrival and serive patterns.
  • logs: Contains loss and switchplot logging for experiments
  • policies: Contains queueing policy implementations
  • utils: Contains utility functions for routing and plotting.
  • RL: Contains the PPO and its variant baselines used in the benchmark.
    • policies: Contains various PPO policies, including 'WC' and 'Vanilla'
    • PPO: Contains the implementation of PPO algorithm
      • PPO trainer
      • Main script for launching PPO experiments.
    • utils:
      • Wrapper for the queueing environment to make it compatible with RL algorithms
      • Evaluation utilities for RL models
    • policy_configs: Contains YAML configuration files for different RL policies

Use as an OpenAI Gym Environment

User can write customized experiment code using only our environment as an OpenAI Gym Envrionment using DiffDiscreteEventSystem class in main/ User can interact with this environment with reset and step method as other OpenAI Gym environments.

Below is detailed documentation of DiffDiscreteEventSystem class and other helper classes in main/


To use this simulator, create an instance of DiffDiscreteEventSystem with appropriate parameters, then use the reset() method to initialize the environment and step(action) to simulate the system over time.


env = DiffDiscreteEventSystem(network, mu, h, draw_service, draw_inter_arrivals)
obs, state = env.reset()
for _ in range(num_steps):
    action = policy(obs)
    obs, reward, done, truncated, info = env.step(action)

See details in how to define each parameter for a queue system in section Defining a Queueing Network

API Reference for DiffDiscreteEventSystem(gym.Env)


  • network (torch.Tensor): The network topology.

  • mu (torch.Tensor): Service rates for each server.

  • h (float): Holding cost per unit time for jobs in queues.

  • draw_service (callable): Function to draw service times for jobs in the queues.

    • Input:
      • time (torch.Tensor): Current simulation time, shape (batch_size, 1).
    • Output:
      • torch.Tensor: Drawn service times, shape (batch_size, 1, num_queues). Each element represents the service time for a new job in the corresponding queue.
  • draw_inter_arrivals (callable): Function to draw inter-arrival times for each queue.

    • Input:
      • time (torch.Tensor): Current simulation time, shape (batch_size, 1).
    • Output:
      • torch.Tensor: Drawn inter-arrival times, shape (batch_size, num_queues). Each element represents the time until the next arrival for the corresponding queue.
  • init_time (float, optional): Initial simulation time. Default is 0.

  • batch (int, optional): Batch size for parallel simulations. Default is 1.

  • queue_event_options (torch.Tensor, optional): Custom queue event options.

  • straight_through_min (bool, optional): Use straight-through estimator for min operation. Default is False.

  • queue_lim (int, optional): Maximum queue length.

  • temp (float, optional): Temperature for Gumbel-Softmax. Default is 1.

  • seed (int, optional): Random seed. Default is 3003.

  • device (str, optional): Device to run computations on. Default is "cpu".

  • f_hook (bool, optional): Enable hooks for debugging. Default is False.

  • f_verbose (bool, optional): Enable verbose output. Default is False.


reset(init_queues=None, time=None, seed=None)

Reset the environment to its initial state.

  • Parameters:

    • init_queues (torch.Tensor, optional): Initial queue lengths. If None, all queues start empty.
    • time (torch.Tensor, optional): Initial simulation time. If None, starts at 0.
    • seed (int, optional): Random seed for reproducibility.
  • Returns:

    • Obs: An Obs namedtuple containing:
      • queues (torch.Tensor): Initial queue lengths.
      • time (torch.Tensor): Initial simulation time.
    • EnvState: An EnvState namedtuple containing:
      • queues (torch.Tensor): Initial queue lengths.
      • time (torch.Tensor): Initial simulation time.
      • service_times (list of lists): Initial service times for each job in each queue.
      • arrival_times (torch.Tensor): Initial time until next arrival for each queue.

Perform one step of the simulation given an action.

  • Parameters:

    • action (torch.Tensor): The action to take, representing the allocation of servers to queues.
  • Returns:

    • queues (torch.Tensor): Updated queue lengths after the step.
    • reward (torch.Tensor): Negative of the cost incurred during this step.
    • done (bool): Whether the episode has ended (always False in this implementation).
    • truncated (bool): Whether the episode was truncated (always False in this implementation).
    • info (dict): Additional information about the step, containing:
      • obs (Obs): Current observation after the step.
      • state (EnvState): Full environment state after the step.
      • cost (torch.Tensor): Cost incurred during this step.
      • event_time (torch.Tensor): Time elapsed during this step.
      • queues (torch.Tensor): Current queue lengths after the step.

Get the current observation of the system state.

  • Returns:
    • torch.Tensor: Current queue lengths.

Print the current state of the system.

  • Prints:
    • Total accumulated cost
    • Total time elapsed
    • Current queue lengths
    • Remaining service times for jobs in each queue
    • Time until next arrival for each queue

How to Run Experiments

Open In Colab

In addition to the Gym environment for queueing system, we provide interface for easy configuration of queuing systems, policies, training and testing procedure. Users can easily create and run training/testing experiments and view results. We provide a demo in this Colab notebook. We detail each step in configuring an experiment below:

Running an Experiment

In the main directory, run the script with the -exp_dir argument set to the name of the subdirectory in configs/experiments containing the desired experiment YAML files.

For example, to run all experiments in the reentrant_5 subdirectory, run:

python main/ -exp_dir=reentrant_5

Defining an Experiment

Experiments are configured using YAML files located in the configs/experiments directory. Each experiment has its own subdirectory containing one or more YAML files specifying the environment, model, and script to run.

An example experiment YAML file:

env: 'reentrant_5.yaml'
model: 'ppg_linearassignment.yaml'
script: ''
experiment_name: 'reentrant_5_cmuq'

Further description of each field:

  • env: refers to the file located under configs/env. Use tihs file to define parameters for queuing network. See section Defining a Queueing Network for more details.
  • model: refers to the file located under configs/model. Use this file to define parameters for routing policy. See section Defining a Queueing Policy for more details.
  • script: refers to the file located under configs/scripts. Use this file to (1) define arrival and service patterns as functions of time and using parameters specified in env file; (2) Specify which policy class to use and create policy using parameters specified in model file; (3) train and evaluate the policy and output loss log under logs/{experiment_name}.

Defining a Queueing Network

Parameters for a queueing network is defined in a file under the configs/env directory. Each YAML file contains the following keys:

  • network: Defines the network topology.
  • mu: Defines the arrival rate.
  • lam_params: Defines the arrival parameters.
  • server_pool_size: Defines the server pool size.
  • h: Defines holding cost for each queue.
  • queue_event_options: Define changes to each queue at each arrival or service event.
  • train_T, test_T: step number of each simulation trajectory.
  • init_queues: Initial queue lengths

The figure below shows an intuitive illustration of ingredients of a queueing network and example parameters for criss-cross network.


We also provide configuration files of all systems we benchmarked in our paper in configs/env. Refer to the figure below for an intuitive illustration of the queueing systems we benchmarked:


Defining Arrival and Service Patterns

The arrival and service patterns are defined in the configs/scripts directory.

Define an arrival and service patterns as arbitrary function of time that returns time until next arrival or service for each queue.

draw_inter_arrivals(self, time)


return interarrivals

Defining a Queueing Policy

To define the exact logic of the policy, use file policies/<policy>.py. Each of policy file contains a class that implements the policy. The policy class is used in configs/scripts/<script>.py.

Each class includes mandatory test_forward that takes in observations and return queue-server priority matrix. Optionally, it can include train_forward for training the policy.

We provide the code for policies we benchmarked in our paper in polices directory.

Defining Training/Testing Hypeprarameters

Parameters for a queueing policy is defined in a file under configs/model directory. Each YAML file contains the following important hyperparameters:

  • test_batch_size: The batch size for the test set.
  • num_epochs: The number of epochs to train the policy.
  • test_policy, train_policy: Assignment algorithm. Supported options are linear_assignment, sinkhorn, and softmax.

For static policies such as c-$\mu$ and max weight, use ppg_linearassignment.yaml.

Running RL training and evaluation

We provide codebase to train and evaluate several RL baselines. To run a reinforcement learning experiment, use the following command in the RL/PPO directory:

python <policy-config-name> <queue-env-name>

Specifically, you can choose from three policy configs:

  1. WC.yaml: Work-conserving policy
  2. vanilla.yaml: Vanilla policy
  3. discrete.yaml: Discrete action space policy

These policy config files are located in the QGym/RL/policy_configs directory. For the queue environment name, use the name of the YAML file (without the .yaml extension) from the QGym/configs/env directory that defines your desired queueing network.

For example, to train a work-conserving policy on the reentrant line with 2 stations, you would run:

python WC reentrant_2

To simulate different environments, such as defining different service and arrival functions, you can go to QGym/RL/utils/ and change your custom functions in load_rl_p_env.

Benchmarking Results

We show current benchmarking results below


Network $c\mu$ MW MP FP PPO PPO BC PPO WC
Criss Cross BH $16.1 \pm 0.0$ $\mathbf{15.3 \pm 0.0}$ $8.3\text{E+}3 \pm 0.0$ $29.3 \pm 0.0$ $8.6\text{E+}3 \pm 4.6$ $24.0 \pm 0.2$ $\mathbf{15.4 \pm 0.2}$

Reentrant-1 [Exponential]

2 $19.0 \pm 0.0$ $14.8 \pm 0.0$ $18.9 \pm 0.0$ $1.0\text{E+}3 \pm 0.0$ $1.8\text{E+}3 \pm 6.6$ $25.1 \pm 0.6$ $\mathbf{13.6 \pm 0.4}$
3 $\mathbf{21.6 \pm 0.0}$ $24.8 \pm 0.0$ $30.9 \pm 0.0$ $8.1\text{E+}3 \pm 0.0$ $1.0\text{E+}4 \pm 21.6$ $48.2 \pm 0.5$ $22.6 \pm 0.4$
4 $30.1 \pm 0.0$ $32.1 \pm 0.0$ $40.3 \pm 0.0$ $4.3\text{E+}3 \pm 0.0$ $1.8\text{E+}4 \pm 41.7$ $183.4 \pm 5.2$ $\mathbf{29.7 \pm 0.4}$
5 $51.3 \pm 0.0$ $50.0 \pm 0.0$ $52.2 \pm 0.0$ $9.8\text{E+}3 \pm 0.0$ $2.7\text{E+}4 \pm 84.4$ $135.2 \pm 3.1$ $\mathbf{38.7 \pm 0.4}$
6 $54.7 \pm 0.0$ $49.2 \pm 0.0$ $59.1 \pm 0.0$ $1.2\text{E+}4 \pm 0.0$ $5.9\text{E+}4 \pm 315.3$ $358.0 \pm 9.7$ $\mathbf{4.85 \pm 0.5}$
7 $56.4 \pm 0.0$ $\mathbf{54.4 \pm 0.0}$ $70.5 \pm 0.0$ $2.9\text{E+}4 \pm 0.0$ $4.4\text{E+}4 \pm 208.1$ $526.6 \pm 8.7$ $56.3 \pm 8.2$
8 $\mathbf{59.4 \pm 0.0}$ $68.0 \pm 0.0$ $81.4 \pm 0.0$ $1.7\text{E+}4 \pm 0.0$ $5.9\text{E+}4 \pm 315.2$ $868.5 \pm 6.0$ $65.8 \pm 6.2$
9 $72.7 \pm 0.0$ $\mathbf{64.4 \pm 0.0}$ $90.8 \pm 0.0$ $5.3\text{E+}4 \pm 0.0$ $1.1\text{E+}5 \pm 2219.7$ $1304.5 \pm 10.1$ $75.8 \pm 0.7$
10 $87.7 \pm 0.0$ $\mathbf{80.1 \pm 0.0}$ $100.5 \pm 0.0$ $6.3\text{E+}4 \pm 0.0$ $1.6\text{E+}5 \pm 852.8$ $3809.1 \pm 10.4$ $83.1 \pm 0.7$

Reentrant-2 [Exponential]

Network $c\mu$ MW MP FP PPO PPO BC PPO WC
2 $26.01 \pm 0.00$ $17.45 \pm 0.00$ $2.49\text{E+}4 \pm 0.00$ $\mathbf{1.76 \pm 0.00}$ $9.04\text{E+}3 \pm 41.13$ $30.62 \pm 0.37$ $13.72 \pm 0.22$
3 $26.27 \pm 0.00$ $26.65 \pm 0.00$ $4.00\text{E+}4 \pm 0.00$ $2.12\text{E+}3 \pm 0.00$ $1.82\text{E+}4 \pm 37.23$ $48.59 \pm 0.56$ $\mathbf{22.09 \pm 0.29}$
4 $27.62 \pm 0.00$ $34.10 \pm 0.00$ $3.99\text{E+}4 \pm 0.00$ $5.54\text{E+}3 \pm 0.00$ $1.77\text{E+}4 \pm 52.30$ $79.20 \pm 1.06$ $\mathbf{29.90 \pm 0.47}$
5 $44.82 \pm 0.00$ $40.34 \pm 0.00$ $4.99\text{E+}4 \pm 0.00$ $9.72\text{E+}3 \pm 0.00$ $2.58\text{E+}4 \pm 63.54$ $91.65 \pm 1.37$ $\mathbf{38.01 \pm 0.52}$
6 $\mathbf{54.48 \pm 0.00}$ $46.63 \pm 0.00$ $1.00\text{E+}5 \pm 0.00$ $1.65\text{E+}4 \pm 0.00$ $4.02\text{E+}4 \pm 349.64$ $526.57 \pm 8.74$ $46.80 \pm 0.47$
7 $70.25 \pm 0.00$ $77.93 \pm 0.00$ $9.98\text{E+}4 \pm 0.00$ $1.39\text{E+}4 \pm 0.00$ $5.78\text{E+}4 \pm 116.92$ $352.02 \pm 6.68$ $\mathbf{55.51 \pm 0.57}$
8 $70.32 \pm 0.00$ $72.96 \pm 0.00$ $1.00\text{E+}5 \pm 0.00$ $2.73\text{E+}4 \pm 0.00$ $4.79\text{E+}4 \pm 208.70$ $1332.68 \pm 7.82$ $\mathbf{63.15 \pm 0.70}$
9 $\mathbf{65.80 \pm 0.00}$ $77.34 \pm 0.00$ $1.00\text{E+}5 \pm 0.00$ $6.53\text{E+}4 \pm 0.00$ $6.54\text{E+}4 \pm 491.49$ $1574.86 \pm 9.34$ $70.30 \pm 0.86$
10 $81.35 \pm 0.00$ $\mathbf{82.00 \pm 0.00}$ $1.50\text{E+}5 \pm 0.00$ $9.36\text{E+}4 \pm 0.00$ $8.11\text{E+}4 \pm 355.34$ $1876.54 \pm 89.20$ $80.36 \pm 0.79$

Reentrant-1 [Hyperexponential]

2 31.69 ± 1.3 22.40 ± 1.2 43.8 ± 1.8 43.6 ± 7.5 9.9E+3 ± 20.7 62.7 ± 1.3 29.9 ± 0.7 30.2 ± 0.7
3 36.76 ± 1.9 43.00 ± 2.2 68.7 ± 2.7 59.2 ± 8.2 19.6E+3 ± 58.0 305.1 ± 13.8 47.5 ± 0.8 47.8 ± 1.1
4 58.58 ± 2.5 74.54 ± 2.8 89.4 ± 3.6 75.6 ± 15.3 18.9E+3 ± 53.1 167.2 ± 5.1 64.4 ± 1.2 62.8 ± 1.4
5 68.91 ± 4.0 73.19 ± 3.7 112.0 ± 4.9 97.0 ± 12.9 48.0E+3 ± 153.5 913.4 ± 19.9 81.8 ± 1.1 84.9 ± 1.2
6 85.16 ± 4.7 98.75 ± 3.9 126.7 ± 6.2 111.2 ± 14.4 59.1E+3 ± 336.4 2383.0 ± 15.2 99.8 ± 1.5 100.8 ± 1.4
7 100.24 ± 5.9 119.01 ± 3.9 152.3 ± 6.6 151.0 ± 21.3 65.4E+3 ± 325.9 3054.6 ± 16.6 118.2 ± 2.0 120.5 ± 2.1

Reentrant-2 [Hyperexponential]

2 $28.43 \pm 1.37$ $\mathbf{22.82 \pm 1.89}$ $58.63 \pm 2.26$ $39.75 \pm 7.29$ $9.75\text{E+}3 \pm 59.58$ $66.87 \pm 1.11$ $30.67 \pm 0.83$
3 $41.46 \pm 2.14$ $\mathbf{36.97 \pm 2.69}$ $67.14 \pm 2.94$ $55.52 \pm 9.38$ $2.05\text{E+}4 \pm 132.63$ $482.64 \pm 17.98$ $45.66 \pm 0.84$
4 $72.87 \pm 2.68$ $92.73 \pm 3.68$ $92.96 \pm 4.01$ $72.09 \pm 14.37$ $1.93\text{E+}4 \pm 62.07$ $149.23 \pm 3.17$ $\mathbf{61.09 \pm 1.30}$
5 $\mathbf{58.65 \pm 2.66}$ $72.48\pm 3.92$ $109.03 \pm 5.35$ $84.17 \pm 18.17$ $2.56\text{E+}4 \pm 84.23$ $371.65 \pm 10.81$ $77.98 \pm 1.73$
6 $\mathbf{85.68 \pm 5.07}$ $133.80 \pm 4.32$ $123.60 \pm 5.25$ $99.51 \pm 15.48$ $6.71\text{E+}4 \pm 362.68$ $1363.93 \pm 20.21$ $93.84 \pm 1.26$
7 $\mathbf{100.24 \pm 5.96}$ $120.23 \pm 5.06$ $135.58 \pm 5.99$ $118.91 \pm 15.67$ $6.54\text{E+}4 \pm 214.22$ $2317.88 \pm 15.54$ $110.48 \pm 1.63$

Parallel server

Network $c\mu$ MW MP FP PPO PPO BC PPO WC
N Model $1.7\text{E+}2 \pm 0.0$ $\mathbf{40.2 \pm 0.0}$ $\mathbf{40.2 \pm 0.0}$ $7.9\text{E+}2 \pm 0.0$ $8.8\text{E+}3 \pm 28.5$ $100.9 \pm 1.9$ $44.3 \pm 1.8$
Five-by-Five (Time-varying) $17.8 \pm 0.0$ $\mathbf{15.2 \pm 0.0}$ $\mathbf{15.2 \pm 0.0}$ $26.7 \pm 0.0$ $1.2\text{E+}4 \pm 15.3$ $25.2 \pm 0.1$ $16.8 \pm 0.2$

Real world examples

Network $c\mu$ MW MP FP PPO PPO BC PPO WC
Input Switch $\mathbf{5.3 \pm 0.0}$ $5.6 \pm 0.0$ $4.9\text{E+}3 \pm 0.0$ $4.9\text{E+}3 \pm 0.0$ $7.3\text{E+}3 \pm 8.9$ $11.8 \pm 0.1$ $\mathbf{5.3 \pm 0.3}$
Hospital $\mathbf{4.4\text{E+}2 \pm 0.0}$ $\mathbf{4.4\text{E+}2 \pm 0.0}$ $\mathbf{4.4\text{E+}2 \pm 0.0}$ $1.5\text{E+}3 \pm 0.0$ $2.4\text{E+}4 \pm 6.6$ $2.5\text{E+}4 \pm 7.0$ $2.3\text{E+}4 \pm 7.4$


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