Install and debug iOS apps from the command line. Designed to work on un-jailbroken devices.
- Xcode
- Xcode CLI
gcc ios-deploy.m -o ios-deploy -F ./ -framework Foundation -framework CoreFoundation -framework MobileDevice
Usage: ios-deploy [OPTION]...
-i, --id <device_id> the id of the device to connect to
-c, --detect only detect if the device is connected
-b, --bundle <> the path to the app bundle to be installed
-a, --args <args> command line arguments to pass to the app when launching it
-s, --envs <envs> environment variables, space separated key-value pairs, to pass to the app when launching it
-t, --timeout <timeout> number of seconds to wait for a device to be connected
-u, --unbuffered don't buffer stdout
-v, --verbose enable verbose output
-A, --app_deltas incremental install. must specify a directory to store app deltas to determine what needs to be installed
-p, --port <number> port used for device, default: dynamic
-r, --uninstall uninstall the app before install (do not use with -m; app cache and data are cleared)
-9, --uninstall_only uninstall the app ONLY. Use only with -1 <bundle_id>
-1, --bundle_id <bundle id> specify bundle id for list and upload
-l, --list[=<dir>] list all app files or the specified directory
-o, --upload <file> upload file
-w, --download[=<path>] download app tree or the specified file/directory
-2, --to <target pathname> use together with up/download file/tree. specify target
-D, --mkdir <dir> make directory on device
-R, --rm <path> remove file or directory on device (directories must be empty)
-X, --rmtree <path> remove directory and all contained files recursively on device
-e, --exists check if the app with given bundle_id is installed or not
-B, --list_bundle_id list bundle_id
-W, --no-wifi ignore wifi devices
-C, --get_battery_level get battery current capacity
-O, --output <file> write stdout to this file
-E, --error_output <file> write stderr to this file
--detect_deadlocks <sec> start printing backtraces for all threads periodically after specific amount of seconds
-f, --file_system specify file system for mkdir / list / upload / download / rm
-F, --non-recursively specify non-recursively walk directory
-j, --json format output as JSON
The commands below assume that you have an app called
with bundle id
. Substitute where necessary.
// deploy and debug your app to a connected device
ios-deploy --debug --bundle
// deploy, debug and pass environment variables to a connected device
ios-deploy --debug --envs DYLD_PRINT_STATISTICS=1 --bundle
// deploy and debug your app to a connected device, skipping any wi-fi connection (use USB)
ios-deploy --debug --bundle --no-wifi
// deploy and launch your app to a connected device, but quit the debugger after
ios-deploy --justlaunch --debug --bundle
// deploy and launch your app to a connected device, quit when app crashes or exits
ios-deploy --noninteractive --debug --bundle
// deploy your app to a connected device using incremental installation
ios-deploy --app_deltas /tmp --bundle
// Upload a file to your app's Documents folder
ios-deploy --bundle_id '' --upload test.txt --to Documents/test.txt
// Download your app's Documents, Library and tmp folders
ios-deploy --bundle_id '' --download --to MyDestinationFolder
// List the contents of your app's Documents, Library and tmp folders
ios-deploy --bundle_id '' --list
// deploy and debug your app to a connected device, uninstall the app first
ios-deploy --uninstall --debug --bundle
// check whether an app by bundle id exists on the device (check return code `echo $?`)
ios-deploy --exists --bundle_id
// Download the Documents directory of the app *only*
ios-deploy --download=/Documents --bundle_id --to ./my_download_location
// List ids and names of connected devices
ios-deploy -c
// Uninstall an app
ios-deploy --uninstall_only --bundle_id
// list all bundle ids of all apps on your device
ios-deploy --list_bundle_id
// list the files in cameral roll, a.k.a /DCIM
ios-deploy -f -l/DCIM
// download the file in /DCIM
ios-deploy -f -w/DCIM/100APPLE/IMG_001.jpg
// remove the file /DCIM
ios-deploy -f -R /DCIM/100APPLE/IMG_001.jpg
// make directoly in /DCIM
ios-deploy -f -D/DCIM/test
// upload file to /DCIM
ios-deploy -f -o/Users/ryan/Downloads/test.png -2/DCIM/test.png
ios-deploy is available under the provisions of the GNU General Public License, version 3 (or later), available here:
Error codes used for error messages were taken from SDMMobileDevice framework, originally reverse engineered by Sam Marshall. SDMMobileDevice is distributed under BSD 3-Clause license and is available here: