This is a simple Rails App to see whether candidates have the minimum skills to participate in the development of Patentfield.
install git for windows -
set up SSH for GitHub
(We can use git bash for command line on windows) -
install Docker for windows -
set to share local drive for docker process
Task tray -> Docker icon -> Settings -> Shared Drives -> check C -> Apply -
clone repository
git clone [email protected]:patentfield/rails-minimum-skill-check
- build docker image
cd rails-minimum-skill-check
docker-compose build
- run docker containters
docker-compose up -d
- create database
winpty docker exec -ti railsminimumskillcheck_web_1 bash
bundle exec rake db:create
bundle exec rake db:migrate
- access to http://localhost:3000 with your browser
install postgresql
create database user 'devuser'
install ruby 2.4.4 (recommend using rbenv)
install gems via bundler
gem install bundler
bundle install --path vendor/bundle
- create database
bundle exec rake db:create
bundle exec rake db:migrate
bundle exec rake db:seed
- run rails server
bundle exec rails s -b
open http://localhost:3000/peds with your browser
confirm data retrieved by PEDS API of USPTO PEDS:
You can sign in with the following credential on development environment
id: [email protected]
password: password
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Patentfield has a right to change the license including contributed patches.