A very basic router for lua.
- Allows binding a method and a path to a function
- Parses parameters like
- It's platform-agnostic. It has been tested with openresty.
local router = require 'router'
router.get('/hello', function() print('someone said hello') end)
router.get('/hello/:name', function(params) print('hello ' .. params.name) end)
router.post('/app/:id/comments', function(params) print('comment ' .. params.comment .. ' created on app ' .. params.id))
router.execute('get', '/hello')
-- someone said hello
router.execute('get', '/hello/peter')
-- hello peter
router.execute('post', '/app/4/comments', { comment = 'fascinating'})
-- comment fascinating created on app 4
... location / { content_by_lua_file path/to/file.lua; } ...
copy or link lib/router.lua to nginx working directory
. ├── conf ├── logs ├── lua ├── reload ├── router.lua -> ../lib/router.lua ├── start └── stop
local router = require "router" local uri = string.lower(ngx.var.uri) -- string function index() ngx.say("Welcome to openresty") ngx.exit(200) end function hello(params) if params then ngx.say("hello "..params.name) else ngx.say("hello world") end ngx.exit(200) end function read_body() -- to test this function -- $ curl # return 403 page -- $ curl -d "hello body" # return hello body if ngx.req.get_method() ~= "POST" then ngx.exit(403) end ngx.req.read_body() local data = ngx.req.get_body_data() if data then ngx.say(data) else ngx.say("no request body") end ngx.exit(200) end router.get("/", function() index() end) router.get("/hello", function() hello() end) router.get("/hello/:name", function(params) hello(params) end) router.get("/body", function() read_body() end) router.execute("get", uri) -- route by uri
MIT licenxe
This library uses busted for its specs. In order to run the specs, install busted
and then do
cd path/to/the/folder/where/the/spec/folder/is