This repository contains two jupyter notebooks and a summary parper for the Deforestation and Health in Brazil project, submitted as a final project for ACE 592-SAE, Spring 2021.
The long-term objective of this study is to investigate the effects of deforestation on health outcomes in Brazil. As an initial analysis, firstly, this class project provides several descriptive statstics of the deforestation data (see "Jupyter_Notebook/1_Deforestation"). Secondly, it provides several geomaps of selected disease cases and looks at simple correlations between disease cases and deforestation (see"Jypyter_Notebook/2_Health").
All data are publically available. Primary datasets constructed in this project can be directly download from Box
Data source:
- yearly deforestation data from TerraBrasilis, a web platform built by the National Institute of Space Research (INPE).
- health data from Datasus, the information data bank from the Sistema Unico de Saude, Brazil's integrated health reporting system.
Tools: Python 3.0
- Victor Funes
- Eric larson
- Na Zhang
- Farzana Shirin
- Chenxi Tang
- Paavani Sachdeva
Assis, L. F. F. G.; Ferreira, K. R.; Vinhas, L.; Maurano, L.; Almeida, C.; Carvalho, A.; Rodrigues, J.; Maciel, A.; Camargo, C. TerraBrasilis: A Spatial Data Analytics Infrastructure for Large-Scale Thematic Mapping. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 8, 513, 2019. DOI: 10.3390/ijgi8110513