Red Hat
- Sterling, VA, USA
- https://natejohnston.info/
- @cloudnativenate
Eureka is a feature-rich and highly customizable Hugo theme.
Card-style Hugo theme designed for bloggers
A Git pre-commit hook that checks formatting of Go code
Declination of @matcornic Learn theme to Hugo
customized heat templates for deployment of test VMs
BGP Agent to expose VMs through BGP on OVN environments
Openstack logs - export errors and other usefully modes
Local git mirror for OpenStack projects
Parse tempest logs into sequence diagrams
Character sheet templates created by the community for use in Roll20 VTT. Submit a ticket at roll20.net/help if critical hotfixes are to be requested.
IoT Inspector: capturing and analyzing your smart home network traffic
Gerrymander provides a client for interacting with & querying the Gerrit code review system
The ultimate guide for dining and entertainment around IBM's global headquarters (Armonk, NY)
Some greasemonkey scripts that might aid in the development of openstack projects
nate-johnston / hatcog
Forked from grahamking/hatcogThe IRC client for tmux addicts
✉️ Teaching an Old Dog New Tricks -- IRC: #neomutt on irc.libera.chat