AsyPlots is a Julia package for creating figures in Asymptote. Asymptote is a mature language for technical drawing in two and three dimensions. This package provides access to
- Vector graphics with LaTeX-rendered labels in 2D and 3D
- An OpenGL renderer for interacting with 3D figures
- Easily customizable colors and arrows
- Convenience functions for line graphs and surface plots, with less of a time-to-first-plot penalty than some other packages
- An environment designed for working directly with graphics primitives (points, paths, polygons, circles, parametric surfaces) in natural coordinates
- in-line plotting in IJulia and Juno's plot pane
- Options to save output as asy, eps, pdf, svg, or png
- An alternative Cairo backend, for speed
AsyPlots requires Asymptote, which you might already have as a part
of your TeX installation (run asy --version
from the command line to
check). Alternatively, you can download and install it here. Version 2.44 is recommended. Linux and Windows binaries are available, and to install on macOS, download asymptote-2.44.src.tgz, unzip it, cd
into that directory, and run
make all
sudo make install
Asymptote can optionally use an alternative backend that relies on Cairo.jl
, though
this package is currently not installing cleanly.
using Homebrew
Homebrew.brew(`unlink glib`)
Homebrew.brew(`install --verbose --build-from-source`)"Cairo")
See this thread for more details.
If you want to use the Cairo features of Asymptote, you should load Cairo first:
using Cairo
using AsyPlots
using AsyPlots
n = 250; using Random; Random.seed!(1)
A = [(x,y) == (0,0) ? 0 : 1/(x^2+y^2) for x=0:n-1,y=0:n-1]
B = randn(n,n)
save("fgf.png",plot(real(fft(A.*B));width=150)) # hide
using AsyPlots # hide
n = 100000; using Random; Random.seed!(2) # hide
x = cumsum(rand(-1:1,n))
y = cumsum(rand(-1:1,n))
save("rw.svg",Plot(Path(x,y;color="White"), # hide
bgcolor="Black", width=512, # hide
axispen="Red",axes=true,axisarrow=Arrow())) # hide