- Melbourne, Australia
- Pro
MidiNoteFormatter Public
A subclass of Formatter that can convert to and from midi note numbers and midi note names
TonePlayer Public
Example polyphonic synthesiser written in Swift using CoreAudio.
Intonation Public
Application for generating and comparing different musical intervals
RationalNumeric Public
Struct to represent a rational number with a numerator and denominator with basic math operations
Swift UpdatedNov 1, 2018 -
ndhotkeyevent Public
Classes for using Hot Key Event with you application, NSControl subclass for getting Hot Key Event from the user and a class for translation between key codes and characters.
ndtrie Public
An implementation of a trie in Objective-C, NDTrie contains an immutable version NDTrie and a mutable version NDMutableTrie
ndviewcontrollerview Public
A NSView subclass to act as the view for a View Controllers, add additional functionality similar to iOSs UIViewController
ndalias Public
Objective-C wrapper for Apples Alias Manager, Deprecated see issues for details
ndcustomizablescrollview Public
ScrollView subclass that lets you insert a view within the scroll bars NSScroller view, for things like zoom controls.
ndradiobuttoncontrol Public
UIControl subclass that turns its UIButton subviews into radio buttons.
Objective-C UpdatedDec 4, 2012 -
ndheap Public
Implementation of a Binary Heap in Objective-C for Mac OS and iOS
NDStrechView Public
View that resizes itself and its parents based on how many subviews are visible.
ndrotator Public
iOS GUI control element, representing a dial or touch disc
Category of NSAppleEventDescriptor that adds coercion to and from a lot of additional types.