This plugin is a wrapper around CFAlertDialog
for Android and CFAlertViewController
tns plugin add nativescript-cfalert-dialog
no configuration step involved
NativeScript Core with { TypeScript } (works on Core, Angular and Vue as well)
import { CFAlertDialog,
CFAlertStyle } from 'nativescript-cfalert-dialog';
let cfalertDialog = new CFAlertDialog();
let options: DialogOptions = {
// Options go here
dialogStyle: CFAlertStyle.ALERT,
title: "This is cool!",
}; // That's about it ;)
show(options): void;
Shows the CFAlert Dialog based on the options provided
// Everything that has '?' is optional
export interface DialogOptions {
dialogStyle: CFAlertStyle;
title: string;
titleColor?: string,
message?: string;
messageColor?: string;
textColor?: string;
textAlignment?: CFAlertGravity;
backgroundColor?: string,
backgroundBlur?: string, // iOS only
cancellable?: boolean,
headerView?: any, // nativeView
footerView?: any, // nativeView
onDismiss?: Function, // calback for dismiss, function (dialog)
buttons?: [{
text: string, // title
buttonStyle: CFAlertActionStyle,
buttonAlignment?: CFAlertActionAlignment,
textColor?: string,
backgroundColor?: string,
onClick: Function // function (buttonName)
simpleList?: { // android only
items: [string],
onClick: Function // function(dialogInterface, index)
singleChoiceList?: { // android only
items: [string],
selectedItem: number,
onClick: Function // function(dialogInterface, index)
multiChoiceList?: { // android only
items: [string],
selectedItems: [boolean], // should have same number of elements as 'items'
onClick: Function // function (dialogInterface, index, b)
Apache License Version 2.0, January 2004