Script to use kitty as the custom terminal with Alfred, with some custom behavior
My modified script is based on pyrhos' guide Using Kitty as a custom terminal for Alfred
The most important thing is that kitty disables this feature for security reasons, to enable it you need to have allow_remote_control yes
in your kitty.conf
The difference is that with my script, the default behavior is to execute the command into the current window, instead of opening a new window. Opening a new window can be done by typing "-n" before the command
Just putting an empty space will also open kitty without pasting anything (since opening spaces are removed)
First, copy macos-launch-services-cmdline into your kitty config folder (~/.config/kitty/) or use the following command:
mkdir -p ~/.config/kitty && echo "--listen-on unix:/tmp/mykitty" > ~/.config/kitty/macos-launch-services-cmdline
Then in the Alfred Settings, under General > Terminal, change the Application dropdown to "Custom" and paste in the content of alfred-kitty-integration.applescript and you should be good to go