This gem provide various data about ๐ฎ๐น Italian subdivisions and municipalities. As well the entire updated list of provinces, regions and municipalities names, it provide useful codes (๐ฏ postal code(s), ๐ ISTAT codes, cadastrial code, population, ...).
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'municipitaly'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install municipitaly
These entities are present, subpoints are data attributes:
- Zone - NUTS 1 (it: Zona/Ripartizione geografica)
- name
- code (it: codice zona)
- Region - NUTS 2 (it: Regione)
- name
- ISTAT code (it: codice istat)
- Province - NUTS 3 (it: Provincia)
- name
- ISTAT code (it: codice istat)
- acronym (it: sigla)
- Municipality (it: Comune)
- name
- ISTAT code (it: codice istat)
- cadastrial code (it: codice catastale)
- postal code(s) (it: codice/i postale/i)
- population
The Municipitaly::Search is the principal class used to search entities.
Returned data are stored in 4 different types of entity models:
- Municipitaly::Zone
- Municipitaly::Region
- Municipitaly::Province
- Municipitaly::Municipality
Retrieve all zones (return an array of Municipitaly::Zone
# inside an irb or rails console:
require 'municipitaly'
zones = Municipitaly::Zone.all
# => [#<Municipitaly::Zone:0x0000...]
pick a random zone:
zone = zones.sample
# => #<Municipitaly::Zone:0x00007fb8390b9f48 @name="Centro", @code="3">
retrive data zone:
# => "Centro"
# => "3"
all regions belongs to a zone (return an array of Municipitaly::Region
# => [#<Municipitaly::Region:0x00007fb83883c550...]
and so for other entities:
# => [#<Municipitaly::Province:0x00007fb83a1478...]
# => [#<Municipitaly::Municipality:0x00007fb83a...]
Municipitaly::Search is the most useful and interesting class: with that you can search single or multiple entities by the name, code or other attributes.
Search municipalities from its name: is case insensitive and can be partial (it returns an Array):
municipalities = Municipitaly::Search.municipalities_from_name('ricco')
# => [#<Municipitaly::Municipality:0x00007fb839184838 @province_istat="028", @name="Borgoricco", @partial_istat="013", @cadastrial_code="B031", @postal_codes=["35010"], @population=8478>]
municipality = municipalities.first
# => #<Municipitaly::Municipality:0x00007fb83918483..>
# => "Borgoricco"
# => ["35010"]
from an entity object is possible to retrieve other parent objects and its attributes:
# => "Padova"
# => "PD"
# => #<Municipitaly::Province:0x00007fb83a12701...>
# => "Veneto"
# => #<Municipitaly::Region:0x00007fb83883cf28...>
# => #<Municipitaly::Zone:0x00007fb8390bb938...>
or retrieve nested entities:
padua = municipality.province
# => #<Municipitaly::Province:0x00007fb83a127010...>
# => [#<Municipitaly::Municipality:0x00007fb83915b730...]
Search municipalities from a single postal code:
municipalities = Municipitaly::Search.municipalities_from_postal_code('50145')
# => [#<Municipitaly::Municipality:0x00007fb83a295938 @province_istat="048", @name="Firenze"...]
florence = municipalities.first
# => #<Municipitaly::Municipality:0x00007fb83a295938...>
# => ["50121", "50122", "50123", "50124", "50125", "50126", "50127", "50128", "50129", "50130", "50131", "50132", "50133", "50134", "50135", "50136", "50137", "50138", "50139", "50140", "50141", "50142", "50143", "50144", "50145"]
Complete list of available class and instance methods are documented inside code, is suggested to use rdoc
, read at next point.
Clone locally this repository and run
bundle exec rdoc
to produce complete documentation inside your local directory.
Complete list in this section
Fells free to improve or suggest new features/ideas. Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.
If you want to contribute keep these guidelines in mind:
- Despite is an Italy focused gem, I accept only PR, issues and messages in English lang.
- Code must be well formatted and offences free, use the provided
gem. - Use the same coding conventions as the rest of the project.
- Code must be tested (with rspec).
- Write code according to SOLID Principles.
Steps to submit your code:
- Fork the repo.
- Open your feature/namespaced branch
- Commit your code following Github guidelines.
- Make a PR with an exhaustive description.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.