This is an App for showing the first page of Rick & Morty character (20 items). Thanks to The Rick and Morty API for providing the API
Rick'n Morty is a List-Detail app that contains 2 screen, List Character & Detail Character. Users can view 20 characters and open the detail by choose one of them. It will display the detailed information of the selected character like species, status, gender, etc. The application will run like the diagram below.
For the UI Design, the list page I was inspired by Jakes Trevor's Rick and Morty App and the detail character from Rick and Morty Wiki Fandom Character Page
- Min SDK 24
- Kotlin based, Coroutines + Flow for asynchronous
- StateFlow
- Hilt
- Architecture
- MVVM, Model View ViewModel
- Clean Architecture (Presenter/View - Domain - Data)
- Retrofit2 & OkHttp3
- Gson
- Glide
- Testing
- Espresso (UI Test)
- MockK (mock for unit test)
Rick'n Morty is based on the Model View ViewModel architecture and Clean Architecture, which follows the Guide to app architecture.
The architecture of Rick'n Morty is composed by two layers, the UI Layer and Data Layer. But it also can be added with additional layer called Domain Layer to simplify and reuse the interactions between the UI and Data Layers.
This project created with:
- Android Studio Electric Eel
- AGP Version 7.4.0
- Gradle Version 7.5
👨 : Muhammad Naufal Fadhillah ✉ : [email protected]