Exploratory Analytics on Cryptocurrencies
Our Dataset:
Top 10 cryptocurrencies
Other Similar Datasets:
For all cryptocurrencies
Top 100 cryptocurrencies
Expectations from the document:
- Business guidelines
- Target users: Who is the target consumer of your analytics? Describe how Analytics is likely to help those target users.
- Business Benefits: The project will include 4 analytics milestones. Describe the potential business benefits of each of the milestones
- Descriptive and Exploratory Analytics
- Data mining - classification
- Data mining - clustering
- Data mining - association rules
Reading Literature:
- https://dealbook.nytimes.com/2014/01/21/why-bitcoin-matters/?_php=true&_type=blogs&_r=0
- http://www.dummies.com/programming/big-data/phase-1-of-the-crisp-dm-process-model-business-understanding/
- https://hackernoon.com/bitcoin-ethereum-blockchain-tokens-icos-why-should-anyone-care-890b868cec06
- https://medium.freecodecamp.org/blockchain-is-our-first-22nd-century-technology-d4ad45fca2ce
- https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/blockchain-absolute-beginners-mohit-mamoria/
- https://arxiv.org/pdf/1611.03941.pdf
- https://decentralize.today/5-benefits-of-cryptocurrency-a-new-economy-for-the-future-925747434103
- Automated Bitcoin Trading via Machine Learning Algorithms - Technical Paper By - Isaac Madan, Department of Computer Science - Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305- [email protected]; Shaurya Saluja, Department of Computer Science - Stanford University- Stanford, CA 94305, [email protected] ; Aojia Zhao - Department of Computer Science, Stanford University - Stanford, CA 94305, [email protected]
- Trading Bitcoin and Online Time Series Prediction - Technical Paper By - Muhammad J Amjad [email protected], Operations Research Center - Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Cambridge, MA 02139, USA ; Devavrat Shah [email protected] - Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science - Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
- Predicting the price of Bitcoin using Machine Learning - MSc Reseach Project Report - Data Analytics - Sean McNally - x15021581 - School of Computing - National College of Ireland - Supervisor: Dr. Jason Roche
There are two types of datasets:
Related to daily trading on cryptocurrency. This includes: Date, Low, High, Close, Open, Volume, MarketCap All the data except Date is of numeric and continuous type.
Related to other attributes specific to particular cryptocurrency Eg. bitcoin_dataset. These includes hash transactions, no of transaction per block, block size. This type of data is available only for bitcoin and ethereum.
-Data Quality assessment -Missing values prediction
Imputing missing data
- https://datascienceplus.com/imputing-missing-data-with-r-mice-package/
- https://www.analyticsvidhya.com/blog/2016/03/tutorial-powerful-packages-imputing-missing-values/
- https://cran.r-project.org/doc/contrib/de_Jonge+van_der_Loo-Introduction_to_data_cleaning_with_R.pdf
-Normalisation of the Bitcoin and Ethereum data
Dataset used is bitcoin_price.csv
Though all the features(attributes) are in numeric format except Date, but the values in Volume/Market Capitalization are very high to use them for computation. For that reason, the data is normalized for all the columns to bring them to same scale.
To noramlize the data, following formula is used: (value - average)/(standard deviation).
http://www.statisticshowto.com/normalized/ http://www.dataminingblog.com/standardization-vs-normalization/
Since the dataset has lot of outliers because of recent large surge in the prices, z-score mechanism rather than (x - xmin)/(xmax-xmin).
Only the volume feature has missing values. There are multiple mechanims to handle missing values eg:
1 Ignore the rows with missing values 2 Fill the missing values using mean/median 3 Use the regression and predict the missing values.
By opting 1, the data useful from other columns could have also been lost. And option 2 was not useful because this dataset has many outliers and so using option 2 could have been given biased values. So, option 3 is opted. Linear Regression is used for continuous data and since the attribute Volume is continuous, this model is used for prediction.