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Plugin set

Contrary to the default plugin setup this plugin is set up as a multi-module project. This is required as the Ktlint artifact for the KtlintRuleEngine encloses the embeddable Kotlin compiler which conflicts with the IDE compiler.

The "ktlint-lib" project relocates the conflicting classes, and provides the different versions of the rulesets. The "plugin" project uses the "lib" to include the (modified) Ktlint artifacts.


Once the plugin has been tested with the Run run configuration, the development version of the plugin can also be installed on the local machine of yourself and other beta testers.

  • Modify the name of the plugin ktlint-plugin/src/main/resources/META-INF/plugin.xml and/or the pluginVersion in the (root) so that the specific version can be recognized easily:
    <name>Ktlint (dev-version YYYY-MM-DD)</name>
  • Perform a clean build
  • Run the Plugin so that the IDEA sandbox is refreshed
  • Create zip file with development version of plugin from IDEA sandbox
  • Install the zip file manually using Preferences > Plugins > ⚙️ > Install plugin from disk...

Adding a ktlint ruleset

The ktlint-lib module contains all version of the ktlint rules which are supported by the plugin.

To support a new version (X.Y.Z) of ktlint, the following needs to be done:

  • Duplicate the latest ruleset-A-B-C module in ktlint-lib. This module only contains a build.gradle.kts file. This file needs to be changed as follows:
    • In the dependencies block refer to the new ktlint version X.Y.Z (use a snapshot version when applicable)
      dependencies {
    • In the relocate block change the coordinates of the StandardRulesetProvider as follows (note that only the minor version Y needs to be left padded with a 0 to support up to 99 minor versions):
  • In class KtlintRulesetVersion add a new enum entry below enum entry DEFAULT:
      DEFAULT("default (recommended)", null),
      VX_Y_Z("X.Y.Z", StandardRuleSetProviderVX_0Y_Z()), 
    Note: the required import com.pinterest.ktlint.ruleset.standard.VX_0Y_Z.StandardRuleSetProvider as StandardRuleSetProviderVX_0Y_Z will not be valid until all steps have been completed and the build has succeeded.
  • In the dependencies block of ktlint-lib/build.gradle.kts add following:
    compileOnly(project(":ktlint-lib:ruleset-X-Y-Z")) // Required for IDE
    implementation(project(":ktlint-lib:ruleset-X-Y-Z", "shadow"))
  • In field rulesetVersion in file KtlintConfigForm add the new option X.Y.Z just below value default (recommended). Note that this value should be identical to the value of the label used in the enum entry in KtlintRulesetVersion.
  • In the include block in the root build.gradle.kts add following:

Note: the total size of the plugin grows with approximately 1 MB per ruleset version which is added.

Building with ktlint SNAPSHOT version

Snapshots of ktlint are published on Sonatype

Add following section to the build.gradle.kts of the ktlint-lib module:

allprojects {
    repositories {

In gradle/libs.version.toml change the ktlint setting to the snapshot-version.

In case you want to build with a local version of ktlint which is not yet published to Sonatype, then add following section to the build.gradle.kts of the ktlint-lib module instead:

allprojects {
    repositories {
        // Comment out next line before publish on default channel. It is okay to keep it when publishing to beta or dev channels
        // Comment out next line before publishing to any channel

Note: In the "ktlint" project execute ./gradlew publishMavenPublicationToMavenLocal to publish the SNAPSHOT artifacts to your local maven repository!