Written by Peihuan Wu, Jinghong Lin, Yutao Liao, Wei Qing and Yan Xu, including normalization and face enhancement parts.
We train and evaluate on Ubuntu 16.04, so if you don't have linux environment, you can set nThreads=0
in EverybodyDanceNow_reproduce_pytorch/src/config/train_opt.py
nyoki-mtl pytorch-EverybodyDanceNow
Lotayou everybody_dance_now_pytorch
Download vgg19-dcbb9e9d.pth.crdownload here and put it in
Download pose_model.pth here and put it in
Source video can be download from here
Download pre-trained vgg_16 for face enhancement here and put in
- Put source video mv.mp4 in
and runmake_source.py
, the label images and coordinate of head will save in./data/source/test_label_ori/
(will use in step6). If you want to capture video by camera, you can directly run./src/utils/save_img.py
- Put target video mv.mp4 in
and runmake_target.py
will save in./data/target/
, which contain the coordinate of faces (will use in step6).
and check loss and full training process in./checkpoints/
If you break the traning and want to continue last training, set
load_pretrain = './checkpoints/target/
rescale the label images, you can use two sample images from./data/target/train/train_label/
to complete normalization between two skeleton size -
and get results in./result
- Run
and check the results in./data/face/test_sync
. - Run
train face enhancer and run./face_enhancer/enhance.py
to gain results
This is comparision in original (left), generated image before face enhancement (median) and after enhancement (right). FaceGAN can learn the residual error between the real picture and the generated picture faces.
- Run
and make result pictures to gif picture
- Pose estimation
- Pose
- Face
- Hand
- pix2pixHD
- FaceGAN
- Temporal smoothing
Ubuntu 16.04
Python 3.6.5
Pytorch 0.4.1
OpenCV 3.4.4