Universidad de los Andes
- Colombia
- https://profesores.virtual.uniandes.edu.co/ncardozo/
- @ncardoz
- @FLAGlab
Master thesis project, lifelong state space self-adaptation in Reinforcement Learning
Reinforcement learning algorithms for research monitoring at the University of Los Andes.
Data corpus for the evaluation of cross-language clone detection algorithms
Closer to MOP is a compatibility layer that rectifies many of the absent or incorrect CLOS MOP features across a broad range of Common Lisp implementations.
Examples of how to create colorful, annotated equations in Latex using Tikz.
🏆 Solutions to problems from the UVa Online Judge.
Code examples for the DPOO course at Universidad de los Andes
This repository contains the base project to test language parsers built with JavaCC
Repository containing code snippets and examples for the concurrency, parallelism, and distribution course
Material developed to teach different competitive programming topics
Site to archive problems and their solutions
A library and some utilities to help with NES development
Material (mostly slides) for a graduate course on (formal) software analysis.
Grammars written for ANTLR v4; expectation that the grammars are free of actions.
Principles of Reactive Programming, Scala: assignments and other code from Coursera https://class.coursera.org/reactive-002
Is a collection of proof of concept tools that allows for automatically grabing bibtex entries from science search engines, i.e., Google Scholar.
Petri Net editor for context oriented languages.