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Ag-ve-Bilgi-Guvenligi-Ders-Notlari PublicAğ ve Bilgi Güvenliği; Linux, Python, Risk Analizi, Kriptoloji, Steganografi, Zararlı Kod Analizi, Sızma Testi, Pasif Bilgi Toplama, Pasif Bilgi Toplama, Ağ Güvenliği, Zaafiyet Keşfi, Zararlı Kod O…
TDKDictionaryCrawler PublicCollect Turkish language word from Turkish Language Institue web site and create turkish word file. It can be useful for cryptanalysis and brute force password attacks and a…
StaticFeatureExtractionFrameworkForMalwareAnalysis PublicStatic feature extraction framework for executable file. In malware analysis we need get all possible information for executable files. I this project we use some useful libraries achive tehese. We…
binary-to-image PublicConvert executable binary file into RGB or Greyscale png image format. Repsent 8 bit binary values as pixel and create image from these. It convert one file or multiple files in a directory.
duplicate-file-finder-and-remover PublicThe script search given directory with subdirectory, finds duplicate files and removes or moves them other directory. The script can search duplications for specific file type.
tr-preprocessing PublicTürkçe metinler için metin ön işleme kütüphanesi; küçük harfe dönüştürme, şapkalı karakterleri eşleniği il değiştirme, stopwords'leri çıkarma, noktalama işaretlerini kaldırma, stopwords'ün geçerlil…
2 contributions in the last year
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