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Global Substance Registration System assists agencies in registering and documenting information about substances found in medicines. It provides a common identifier for all of the substances used in medicinal products, utilizing a consistent definition of substances globally, including active substances under clinical investigation, consistent with the ISO 11238 standard.

Check out the code

The code can be checked out of this git repository. There is currently 1 master development branch:

  • GSRS_DEV - this is the main bleeding edge development branch.

Config File

Configuration is controlled by a Play ConfigFile.
The default GSRS conf file is located in modules/ginas/conf/ginas.conf This file can be extended to provide custom configuration. For development and testing, the simple extension of this file enabling evolutions is typically used: modules/ginas/conf/ginas-dev.conf

For more information on how Play ConfigFiles work see The Playframework Documentation

Initial setup

Before running or building the code the first time, certain dependencies and environmental variables must be initialized. To do this, first run:


This should only have to be run once.

How To Build and Run

To build and run GSRS use the provided activator script (sbt can also be obtained if it is preferred). Here is an example of running a local instance of the GSRS app:

activator -Dconfig.file=modules/ginas/conf/ginas-dev.conf ginas/run

Now simply point your browser to http://localhost:9000/ginas/app/beta. Once there, Click the 'Apply SQL script now' button under the header. You may have to apply several SQL scripts as part of the evolutions step, depending on how many datasources are used. After the page has loaded again, change the address to http://localhost:9000/ginas/app/beta.

How to Choose Cheminformatics Library Toolkit Dependency

GSRS uses Molwitch to allow switching the underlying cheminformatics library Toolkit being used for various computations. By default, GSRS uses CDK but a stripped down legacy version of Chemaxon's JChem is also included for evalutation purposes. If you choose to use JChem as your Cheminformatics Library Toolkit, contact Chemaxon about obtaining a license.

To enable molwitch-jchem3 add the property -Dmolwitch=jchem3 to your activator or sbt invocation:

activator -Dconfig.file=modules/ginas/conf/ginas-dev.conf -Dmolwitch=jchem3 ginas/run

To explicitly, enable CDK add the property -Dmolwitch=cdk to your activator or sbt invocation:

activator -Dconfig.file=modules/ginas/conf/ginas-dev.conf -Dmolwitch=cdk ginas/run

Not setting a molwitch property will use CDK as default.

Changing the Structure Standardizer and Structure Hasher

GSRS comes with more than one Structure Standardizer and Structure Hasher implementations that are used for exact and fuzzy structure matching. By default standardizers and hash implementations based on InChI are used but it is also possible to use LyChI instead by setting the properties: ix.structure-standardizer="ix.core.chem.LychiStandardizer" and ix.structure-hasher="ix.core.chem.LychiStructureHasher" As of this writing LyChI requires jchem so you need to enable molwitch-jchem3 as well.

This can be done by adding these properties to the command line invocation as seen below, or adding them to the conf file.

activator -Dconfig.file=modules/ginas/conf/ginas-dev.conf ginas/run -Dmolwitch=jchem3 -Dix.structure-standardizer="ix.core.chem.LychiStandardizer" -Dix.structure-hasher="ix.core.chem.LychiStructureHasher"

Build a Self-Contained Distribution

To build a self-contained distribution for production use, simply run the following command:

activator -Dconfig.file=modules/ginas/conf/ginas.conf ginas/dist

If all goes well, this should create a zip file under modules/ginas/target/universal/ of the form


where {app} is the app name (e.g., ginas), {branch} is the current git branch, {commit} is the 7-character git commit hash, {date} is the current date, and {time} is the current time. Now this self-contained zip file can be deployed in a production environment using the following commands:

cd ginas-alpha_v0-0f75de1-20150618-002011
./bin/ginas -mem 10000 -Dconfig.resource=ginas.conf -Dhttp.port=9000 -Djava.awt.headless=true

Note the -mem 10000 command, in this case, gives 10,000 MiB, or about 10 GB of maximum java heap memory. It is reccomended that this setting not be below 10000, typically.

Build a docker image

All extensions from './modules/extensions' will be compiled and added to the docker image during building process.

docker build --ulimit nofile=65535:65535 -t gsrs-play:latest

Database Initialization

mkdir -p /var/lib/gsrs
docker run -ti --rm -v /var/lib/gsrs:/data gsrs-play:latest java -cp "lib/*" -Dconfig.file=/opt/g-srs/conf/ginas.conf ix.ginas.utils.Evolution

Running the docker image

docker run -d -p 9000:9000 -v /var/lib/gsrs:/data -e JAVA_OPTS='-Xms4096m -Xmx4096m -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=512m -Dpidfile.path=/dev/null -DapplyEvolutions.default=false -Dconfig.file=/opt/g-srs/conf/ginas.conf' gsrs-play:latest

Build a development docker image

Extensions will be a not a part of the docker image, but will be compiled during every start of the docker container. Put all your extensions in the 'modules/extensions/app' directory. If your extension has dependencies which are not a part of GSRS, put the JAR files to the 'modules/extensions/lib' directory.

docker build --ulimit nofile=65535:65535 -f Dockerfile.devel -t gsrs-play:devel

Running of the development image

docker run -ti -v ./modules/extensions:/extensions -p 9000:9000 -e GSRS_DB_RESET=true -e JAVA_OPTS='-Xms4096m -Xmx4096m -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=512m -Dpidfile.path=/dev/null -DapplyEvolutions.default=false -Dconfig.file=/opt/g-srs/conf/ginas.conf' gsrs-play:devel

During the start of the container, if the 'modules/extensions/lib/extensions*.jar' file is not present, then the compilation process will be started. After the modules compilation process is finished, you can find the extensions*.jar file in the 'modules/extensions/lib' directory.

How To Clean a build

To clean up the binaries, simply issue:

activator clean
activator ginas/clean

How to Run Automated Tests

This software contains over one thousand automated tests including unit and end to end tests that take a long time to run.

Running one Test Class Only

The Play framework can run a single JUnit test class using ginas/testOnly $fullyqualitiedTestClass

So for example to run all the tests in ix.test.EditingWorkflowTest class this would be the invocation

./activator -Dconfig.file=modules/ginas/conf/ginas-dev.conf ginas/clean "ginas/testOnly ix.test.EditingWorkflowTest"

Running all Tests

Do Not Use the activator command ginas/test

Earlier versions of the Play framework had memory leaks which caused running all the tests to run out of memory when running all the tests using ginas/test so a custom JUnit test runner was written to invoke each test class serially in a separate JVM. This special test runner can be invoked by running the ix.test.RunAllGinasTests class.

GSRS comes with a helper test script that will run all the automated tests in multiple threads simultaneously and then report the test results to the console.

Configuration Options for

Any commandline parameters given added to the invocation of will be passed on to the each test to be run.

The number of threads and which ports the test GSRS instances use is configurable.

By default the number of threads is set to 3 but this can be changed by setting the numThreads property.
This is how many concurent GSRS test instances are running (on different ports) at the same time.

Changing the port ranges. By default, the GSRS test servers use ports from 9001 to 9005 but this can be modified by setting the beginPort and endPort properties.

Of course the molwitch property is also respected to change which molwitch implementation to use

./ -Dmolwitch=cdk -DnumThreads=4 -DbeginPort=9001 -DendPort=9006

How the script works

To make it easier to run and avoid having to escape quotes or spaces on the commandline, this class reads an environment variable which contains the invocation. the {0} part will be replaced with the test to be run. Keep the {0} in the variable. the TestRunner will know to replace it.

Any additional parameters are tacked onto the end of these commands.

export command="./activator -Dconfig.file=modules/ginas/conf/ginas-dev.conf \"ginas/testOnly {0}\""

./activator -Dconfig.file=modules/ginas/conf/ginas-dev.conf  "ginas/testOnly ix.test.RunAllGinasTests"

Warning running this program could take a about an hour to run. This is recommended to only be invoked by a continuous integration system.


The software tools created by the this project are developed, maintained, and distributed to ginas and other interested parties by the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), in close collaboration with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).


GSRS software is open source under the Apache 2.0 license.

This software also incorporates JSDraw. JSDraw is licensed from Scilligence and is free to use with the GSRS software.

To incorporate JSDraw in another distributable commercial software package please contact Scilligence